Do You Think Trump Qualifies for the Nobel Peace Prize? I Sure Don't!

in #trump6 years ago

My take on the Trump Nobel Peace Prize Debate. I like basic math and basic math states he does not qualify. Math also states that Barack Obomber should lose his. 🦅



Good point they sorta cancel each other out!! LOL, Obama had a negative score if you count Libya and Yemen, using your reasoning! I'm sure Trump will lower his soon also....;)

The Nobel Peace Prize has sorta become a badge for globalist anyway. No longer represents what it once did. Now signifies that you play the game they want....Sheeple don't know the difference anyway!

How perfect. A fake nomination for a fake president who is a fake human being.

Maybe this means Dennis Rodman and Potcoin deserve a Nobel Prize?

From my point of view, he does not deserve it

Trump ignited the Middle East after declaring Jerusalem the capital of Israel
He made the area full of killers
He deserves to take the Nobel Prize for war
He is a very strange person

The nobel is of little merit as an award for achievement. Especially after the farce of it being given to obama for accomplishing nothing.

nice explanation by mathmetical term dear,i like it most result zero

Absolutely right..He can't qualifies for nobel prize ... Because I think, he could not do anything for peace... So he direct disqualify....Your calculation concept is true...he had no point .. just zero

Statists can never deliver permanent peace because they only know it through force. Either they don't want peace which is their natural position, or they advocate peace through use of force. The use of force always poisons peace.

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