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RE: Trump Backs ISIS As He Pushes US Onto Brink of World War III With Russia

in #trump7 years ago

Which ones? Its never happened, aca, patriot act , Guantanamo is still open , all tax and business policies are the same. As well as all federal reserve policies. Im not talking about the Paris accords, real legeslation. Josh tolley has gone over this in full detail. Nothing has changed. We are still on the same course as always.


And that's just a start, and doesn't include the historical ones I already mentioned.

Smoke and mirrors this is not bringing jobs back,saving jobs or making factories produce again. The BLM still has authority to land grab. All the big gunz are still in place. The sustainability 2015-2030 all the trilateral treaties, nafta so on. Nothing has changed since JFK tried to truly change things, and they killed him at 12 broad daylight and no one goes to jail.. Still waiting for trump to put some in jail who we all know should be there.. Im still waiting for that 911 evidence he was bringing to light... you see in short, nothing has or will change. I guarantee you in the next 3 years all we will have is bigger government and more of it in our lives. I also did not get into how were still under temporary military government or the last 84 years since march 9th 1933. Trump knows this as all leaders though they prefer to laugh at us as belligerents. The constitution doesnt apply, check it out.

So you didn't mean "nothing changes" you meant "nothing on a highly specific list you care about changes."

Maybe that's because people like you who care about those things don't vote.

People who cared about things like marijuana voted for politicians who legalized it in several states.

So it's your choice. Literally.

Again, the illusion. The only reason because marijuana is going in this direction is becuse the powers that be want it that way... when military government ends, as well as chemtrails all the treaties, the sustainability act, federal reserve thats robs from us daily, true utility inavation that they let come forth, like electromagnetic motors, free electric that tesla exposed, maybe then ill have some faith. Nothing has changed

I cant list everything im working, main point is all the big plans are in place all controlled on a centralized level.. they are griding the skies with chemrtails globally, correct?, ok, so this is all being controlled by one source placing plans for these routes for a common purpose. No one voted on this yet, controlled worldwide with no planes ever colliding... Place any subject there and it holds true. There are no boarders their is no sovrienty. Lets just forget about all the fore fathers who gave their lives to preserve this. Its basicly just a joke now which is basicly unbearable to me. Trump is buliding in Dubai, thats all i have to say ... he is a true globalist. Whats is all this talk about just to me stuff, i dont catch your drift. My points are valid with many who agree.... when a nation is concurred the first thing that happens is its gold is confiscated, hence march 9th 1933 the gold was confiscated. We are labelled enemy combatants since then.. if you are not aware of these facts i dont know what else to say... I always enjoy a good chat as such

Oh yea the ttp show... The TISA ( trade in service agreement ) is still in effect and is worse than TTP was inn regaurds to a nations sovereignty. All Illusions, thats why they will get away with more than Trump than they ever could with Clinton. People would be all over her. Im still seeing chemtrails...

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