"Trump is a racist" 😡😠

in #trump5 years ago

Congratulations, you've failed the IQ test.


Well, it depends. I don't know everything Donald has ever said and done. If you have some specific reason to believe that he's a racist, very well. I'd like to see that reason and then decide if you pass the test.

What I really am talking about is the people who think enforcing a border or not wanting open borders is racist.

Philosopher great @stefan.molyneux succincts it pretty perfectly @47:21

Basically, when there's a welfare system, people in less prosperous countries will realize "hey, I could make way more money without even having to work than I can make here at home by working really hard".

And then naturally there will be no shortage of people who are attracted to the money until it's all gone. So if there's going to be a welfare system, and people grow dependent on this, it's really reckless to have open borders.

It's just very sensible and obvious. But in the mind of the dumbdumbs, having this shred of fiscal responsibility must make someone a racist.

And it's kind of funny to me that the people who like having this "safety net" in place are usually the ones crying racism.

Because they're racist. Lol. It's just basic, common sense that borders can't be open and at some point you need to restrict the amount of new immigrants. Has nothing to do with race. But what they see are colors and what race somebody is, and their beliefs are formed based on that.

Okay okay, maybe you don't fail the IQ test.

Perhaps you're capable of sorting out 2 + 2 = 4, but there are racist dummies around you and you don't want to be called bad names by them, so you cuck and align yourself with their story line.

The money will run out at some point.

And I kind of welcome it.

Careful what you wish for, I know. Just generally it's better to get things over with.

If we don't lose the internet or get super violent, seems kind of fine.

It's nice that the US is a wealthy country, and I can go to Starbucks and everyone is relaxed and doing the middle class thing. (Albeit on fumes and maybe we should be saving the $5 instead.) But it also isn't sustainable in its current format.

Empires aren't ever sustainable. It's better to not be one. And the will of the American people is generally to not be one.

Maybe it can stay like this and last for a good while longer. Maybe it'll recover quickly when it does collapse. Maybe it'll slowly work out all the kinks and never really "collapse". I don't know.

But I'd rather be more sustainable and on the up, even if there had to be a step backwards first.

Feels icky to decline.

So part of me kind of would be happy to open the borders and get it over with, lol. Supporting open borders because you want it to collapse actually makes sense. Lol.

It just is totally reasonable and not racist for someone else to be like "hey, y'know, I actually don't want our country to collapse overnight".


Greatness of Trump

The liberals are creating a legend.

Trump like all Presidents is flawed and probably is bought and paid for and following a script, without a lot of room to change much on his own.

But his critics believe so many stupid things that have gone unchecked for so long, that he's pretty consistently whooping them. And he's funny.

Trump triggers you. He needles you. He doesn't dance around your sensitivities like other politicians have always done. And it surprises you and annoys you. That's what's happening. He's not racist.

"you're racist" is just what people say when they believe something really dumb and can't articulate a reason for it.


you're racist" is just what people say when they believe something really dumb and can't articulate a reason for it.

Now that is a mic drop statement.

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