Is Donald Trump helping Israel take over the Middle East?

in #trump7 years ago

Protests continue in Iran, although reports of pro-government demonstrations are now emerging, whereas news outlets were reporting, yesterday, that citizen protests were anti-government. Meanwhile, Israeli leader, Netanyahu alleged in a speech today that Iran is attempting to organize terrorists in parts of the West Bank. Finally, in U.S. headlines today, Steve Bannon caused quite a reaction from the President of the United States, who had this to say about his former advisor: 'When he was fired, he not only lost his job, he lost his mind'.

How does all this come together under the title, Is Donald Trump helping Israel take over the Middle East? I’ll try to make that point quickly.


President Trump has recently made it clear, through media statements as well as Twitter, that the U.S. will withdraw funding to Palestine if they do not return to “negotiations” with Israel.

As many of you may know, Jerusalem is the capital of Palestine…But on December 6, 2017, President Trump announced official recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, causing world-wide uproar. Palestine obviously had to withdraw from peace negotiations based on the announcement. Countless other nations came out in opposition, followed by a U.N. Security Council resolution calling for the U.S. to reverse its position – which was vetoed by the U.S., of course – and finally, the U.N. General Assembly overwhelmingly voted in favor of a non-binding resolution calling for the same. Despite unanimous disapproval, the Trump administration refuses to back down from the position that Jerusalem shall now be recognized as the capital of Israel, while maintaining that the U.S. is dedicated to a successful peace process between the two states. As a result, protests flared up in the region, and many more Palestinians have died.

In summary, Trump’s announcement regarding Jerusalem killed the two-state peace process by ripping Palestine’s capital out from under the nation and now the U.S. government is threatening to cease all aid to Palestine unless they return to the conversation – without their nation’s capital, of course – since that has been taken “off the table,” unilaterally.

And just to be clear, the Palestinian Authority receives about $320 million per year in U.S. aid; while Israel receives roughly $310 BILLION in U.S. aid. Yes, billions.


For the last five days Iran has seen large public protests reportedly sparked by economic stagnation. The media – especially Western media – is describing the protests as “anti-government” despite the fact that an overwhelming number of peaceful pro-government demonstrators flooded the streets of Iran today in solidarity with their government. According to a report just released by RT, America's UN envoy, Nikki Haley, said the U.S. will call an emergency UN Security Council meeting, to discuss the unrest in Iran, citing the need to support the protesters. Meanwhile, Iran’s leadership has stated unequivocally that the protests are being fomented by outside sources. Iran is no stranger to this type of illegal foreign intervention in its domestic affairs.

Perhaps current world leaders, such as Trump and Netanyahu, forget that it has not been so long since the democratically elected government of Iran was overthrown in a CIA coup. The rest of the world has not forgotten, most certainly not the people of Iran.

For years we have been hearing about Iran and Israel’s “battle” for regional supremacy. Lately, Iran is consistently held responsible for terrorist activities in the region, from supplying technology for a rocket fired from Yemen at Saudi Arabia last November, to Israel’s allegations today that Iran attempted to organize terrorist attacks in both Judea and Samaria, in Gaza. Netanyahu gave a speech today stating this is not the first time such discoveries have been made. Interestingly, this is the exact area of Gaza that Israel is currently trying to annex. So, is Iran actually supporting terror or are they the scapegoat for further expansion of Israel’s borders?

The Bannon Distraction

While all of this is going on throughout the world; while the United States president personally pushes Israel’s agenda in at least three countries in one day, Steve Bannon makes an inflammatory splash, right on cue. In a book called "Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House" by Michael Wolff, Bannon refers to a meeting held on June 9, 2016 between members of Trump’s staff, including the president’s son, Trump, Jr., and a Russian lawyer, who was allegedly offering damaging information about Hillary Clinton as “treasonous.” That set off a storm that dominated most of the media today – obliterating any chance of coverage regarding the horrendous violations of sovereignty occurring in the middle east for the sole purpose of expanding Israel’s regional domination.

That’s all for now. Please let me know your thoughts!

Image Credit:,amp.html,amp.html


A happiness for the world community if America does not interfere with the affairs of other countries.

Agreed! Thank you for reading and commenting. :) Take care!

There was never really a peace process, it's all just theater to make us think that. If we think peace will ever come through a few heads of state shaking hands for the cameras, we live in delusion. It depends on the people there, and their actions. But who am I saying this to. Preaching to the choir probably. :)
Great, well researched article btw!

Such a good point! These "leaders" are actors putting on political theater for money. They don't care about peace because it is not as profitable a war. You're so right: It's up to the people - not their corrupt leaders - to affect change. Thank you for reading and replying :)

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