Anti-Gun, Pro War, Big Government Trump Attacks Private Enterprise

in #trump7 years ago (edited)


Donald Trump has declared war on the free market, taking to Twitter again to bash Amazon for doing what he infamously and righteously did for decades: avoid paying extortion.

Trump Declares War on The Free Market, Names Amazon Public Enemy #1 - The Dollar Vigilante 18-04-03 11-20-01.jpg

It seems Darth Hater is hellbent on forcing the wildly-successful e-retailer to fork up their profits because they used the notoriously inefficient and bankrupt Post Office to deliver goods to their millions of customers.

Before Trump was (s)elected, I said that he would win the (s)election after it came out that both he and Killary were invited to an exclusive Jesuit function with Henry Kissinger following one of their fake debates.

Then, when he was publicly (s)elected as President, I warned he would be no different than Barack Drone Bomber or Killary Clinton.

Trump did fool quite a few people though, including Stefan Molyneux, who was formerly known as a principled anarchist, but fell into the phony left/right narrative and became a statist-sympathizing Trumpite.

Even Stefan is now coming to terms with the truth though:

Trump Declares War on The Free Market, Names Amazon Public Enemy #1 - The Dollar Vigilante 18-04-03 11-20-36.jpg

Many Trump supporters claimed, based on The Donald’s own words and tweets, that he was pro-gun, anti-war, anti-big government and would reduce the US deficit.

Reality has been quite the opposite, though, as we said it would be.

Agent Orange has caved on Gun Rights:

Trump Declares War on The Free Market, Names Amazon Public Enemy #1 - The Dollar Vigilante 18-04-03 11-21-06.jpg

He just appointed Iraq War apologist neocon John Bolton:

Trump Declares War on The Free Market, Names Amazon Public Enemy #1 - The Dollar Vigilante 18-04-03 11-21-36.jpg

And he's cracking down on private enterprises like a true tyrant:

Trump Declares War on The Free Market, Names Amazon Public Enemy #1 - The Dollar Vigilante 18-04-03 11-22-01.jpg

What some people still don’t realize is that politics is nothing but a big show to keep the tax slaves so busy fighting each other, that they never realize the problem is government and politics itself.

The mainstream media, which is just the propaganda arm of the government, puts out nothing but fake news and unimportant information to keep people confused, afraid, misinformed, and entertained.

Just look at the top “news” stories in the US. “Trump used Amazon to buy office supplies… Trump’s son works out… Trump didn’t use a condom!”


The real news is that US taxpayers are victims of the world's largest extortion racket, with most of their hard-earned income stolen each year via hundreds of different taxes. But, that’ll never be the headline “news” on CNN.

Instead, they want to keep everyone, even thinkers like Molyneux, clinging to delusions, hoping they can vote for someone to change the system, instead of saying the system shouldn’t be there at all.

The media is meant to keep people in a constant state of fear and it is all scripted.


Instead of saving the failing theft-funded Post Office, Donnie Darko should just abolish it.

But until enough people wake up to what is going on, they’ll keep playing the same stupid games (politics and elections), and keep winning the same stupid prizes (slavery and oppression).

Their game is rigged against you, but you can still win economically because knowledge is power. To stay informed, subscribe to The Dollar Vigilante newsletter HERE.

And, get ready for Anarchapulco 2019 (tickets on sale soon) where we are already creating a new world that will empower individuals and make governments and central banks obsolete.

Or you can keep hoping parasitic politicians will save you, and see how that works out.



Go get em Donald!!!

This is really a professional article.
The mainstream media, which is just the propaganda arm of the government, puts out nothing but fake news and unimportant information to keep people confused, afraid, misinformed, and entertained.
Media makes money on negatives and by spreading the fear, and this is what we provide them with this chance to feed us more fear news.
But yeah, Trump himself is a businessman and who would have thought that he could be good for USA and you know could make America prosper again, instead he would be thinking of his own business in priority.
But yeah, the way the tax money of US citizens is used, they themselves are responsible for that coz it is them who selected these guys to rule over them.

Stupid governemts

Do you honestly think Amazon would be what it is today, without government handouts, special tax deals and stealing from #WeThePeople?
Trump's an idiot about the Post Office is FedEx and UPS that are subsidized by the Post Office, carrying their deliveries to areas that aren't that Amazon can ship their goods everywhere for rates that are lower than market forces would demand.
I figured Trump's "food boxes for the poor" would be shipped by Amazon, personally.
If Jeff Bezos would just sell the Washington Post, then I'm sure Trump would change his tune. It isn't a good idea to piss of the richest white man on earth (Bezos), is it?


Hey, Nice work! I just have a few questions :)

Checking mental health when you buy a gun is anti gun?

That is just as much pro gun, it will decrease the amount of random events involving gunfire against random humans, and by that decrease the risk of bans as a response....It also directly kills a big argument AGAINST guns...

Is demanding recipes on strong pain killers to be prescribe by doctors anti medicine just because it contains background checks with emphasis of mental health? No it is to make sure the few suicidal patients do not get hold of dangerous drugs that would make that action much easier. And avoid the bad PR generated by these happenings, since they would promote a eventual ban.

The banking system is running the show, not politicians? How is trump positive for the banking system? He is not acting in - line with the best of the banking agenda, regarding both pulling out of Iraq and making global trade more expensive.

Free market- Are you saying that anyone can avoid taxes and use American postal service as proficient as Amazon? I disagree!

Why would John Bolton be the choose of the Banking system? I would Disagree again! There are other reasons to go to war then the deep state agenda.

background checks (asking govt permission to own something) is anti-property.

He is creating more debt (exponentially) = positive for the banking system

ANY govt "service" is extortion and force on everyone to pay for a service, instead of having that service live or die by the free market.

The only reason for war (same as shooting a gun) is self-defense. Everything else is just an excuse to kill people. Bolton is a long time war monger looking for war with Iran since at least the Bush days.

He is creating more debt (exponentially) = positive for the banking system

No, he has nothing to do with this system. He is costing it money. The system was already in place.

background checks (asking govt permission to own something) is anti-property.

Yes, but the system is already here as is the problem, trump ONLY came in now and tried to get rid of the biggest counter argument for non regulations...

Two unrelated arguments.... let´s go on!

The only reason for war (same as shooting a gun) is self-defense. Everything else is just an excuse to kill people. s

The first part is directly in opposition of the next part. I do not understand.... If there was one reason, there would not be two sides of a war, ergo no war... What are you saying?

Bolton is a long time war monger looking for war with Iran since at least the Bush day

He was in and out of the UN in 2006. He was pro war yes, but not due to a deep state agenda, he is simply a patriot, which America needs now, to address that the government is and was run / owned by foreign banks?

I stand confused...

No comment on the free market? Amazon special tax deals, post service deals? Trump is now stopping this plundering of the American citizens...

Why is BAD????

Media loved the bank dog Obama..Media are bank dogs...
Media Hates the math...

Jeff hits the mark again. Politics is SUCH a waste of time. At least we have productive activities to involve ourselves in... spreading crypto & Freedom.

Hello @dollarvigilante, it's an interesting and very complete article!
I am @renny-krieger greetings from these "unknown" latitudes, from beautiful Venezuela.
One of the facets of Donald Trump that we recognize here is that of thinking he is the master of the USA and even beyond, he moves his pieces to get closer to what he wants. Especially those companies that have been spared payments under their noses, perhaps in a similar way to the hunt carried out by the different banking groups to the cryptos and in parallel incursion into the business.
In USA there are several precedents of leaders who advocate for peace in their candidacy but who change their minds when they take the stand and show their true faces.
And it goes without saying that each of their sanctions against Venezuelan government personnel is a double-edged sword and shows us their interest in putting their boot back in the old backyard.

Hemmmm... Real news?

I couldn't agree more here. The generation after the baby boomers (my generation), has been chained to debt (student loans, credit cards, mortgages, cars, etc..) so they can never leave this "system". My story:
is so much like everybody else's story. BIG GOVERNMENT!

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