in #trump7 years ago

And it's about time! Apparently the Senate Judiciary committee has just opened a new investigation into HRC as well as her staff, who may all be soon loosing their top security clearance super powers. American Justice is like watching grass grow sometimes.
This story by the awesome Ed at The Outer Light YouTube channel

From the CPC cellphone of death.


As a former US Department of Justice Trial Attorney, I am appalled that Sec. Clinton still has a security clearance. If Trump's "hope" that the FBI would decide to drop an investigation deserves appointment of a special counsel to investigate obstruction of justice, certainly Killary destroying documents that Congress has subpoenaed deserves real investigation.

Honored to make your acquaintance Sir, and this is a testament to the power of Steemit. You never know who's out there checking your work! Thank you for that and in 100% agreement, upvoted and following!

In My opinion , She should of been put away a long time ago . why does she have a security clearance ?? She should be treated like they would treat the rest of us :( Like an old saying says "" Do the crime, Do the time "" Why should she be giving special treatment . ?? This goes for all not just her :((

For all those folks out there who legitimately despise the bad cops who do terrible things because they think they are above the law, I have a question: "Shouldn't you also despise a Cabinet officer who does terrible things because she thinks she is above the law?"

I Honestly don't trust the government . Wrong is wrong but they treat it like if you are ""Famous "" Than who cares . Nobody should be above the Law or get Special Treatment ::)) I agree if you despise one than you should despise the other . ::))

Up-voted and following WG... This is an important and dangerous time. A gaggle of powerful cornered RATZ But God is in control. Just a shame so many children had to be hurt and killed before this witch this taken down. Children in cages, dead kids in vats of acid. This is the reality we've been living in. The tide is turning, it's getting better! Here is something I did for the children a while back.

Not even a year later!

It's an interesting time, and a dangerous time. Tons of powerful cornered RATZ!

Exactly! As long were all on the same page.
#decentralized #steemfam

Resharing @phibetaiota
Word is, Ed is now on SteemIt or soon will be.
Thank you for the ontribution.
~The Management


Ed of The outer light? Hope so! Awesome

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