@Viraldrome's Continued Filth

in #trump6 years ago

In regards to my Post ?'s if the Migrant Caravan Threatening to Storm the USA Border & Force their way into The USA- was an act of Helpless refugees or an act of Invasion from Healthy Young Fighting Age Men looking to Rape, Pillage & Plunder the USA-

I received several nasty Responses. Although I believe in Free Speech & Do welcome Comments from those of a Different Opinion to Me-

I believe these particular Comments from @Viraldrome Showcase His Complete Lack of Morals, Character & Ability to Form a Logical Argument.


@viraldrome, you can make any statement you so chose. I believe in FREE SPEECH, as such that means I believe in Free Speech for all, no matter what they have to say. Your Filth does not affect me in any way what so ever. I am not Triggered, Upset, Dismayed or Insulted by anything you post. Unlike you Mr. Weed Promoter who is SO EASILY TRIGGERED to Foam At The Mouth over the Posting of a complete stranger you've never met- you now wish that person's daughter gets Ganged raped & further suggest that person then go fuck their own mother.

All of this started over a post about America's border. YOU AS A CANADIAN seem to think it Absurd that America should actually ENFORCE Their Own Borders. If you are such a proponent of OPEN BORDERS, I suggest why do you not WELCOME the Migrant Caravan To YOUR COUNTRY- CANADA? You could really put your ACTIONS where you Mouth IS- By Actually Inviting at least one of these Poor Little Helpless Peace-loving Angel Migrants from Honduras into YOUR OWN HOME.

I note that you keep suggesting Actions of Violence, Rape, Incest happen to Female members of My Family. Are you aware of the Psychological term "PROJECTION & DISPLACEMENT." Projection- is when a person- projects their own Flaws & Undesirable thoughts & actions unto another person. Displacement is when a person- Displaces the anger & hostility he has for one person- onto another.

You appear to be a Text Book Case of the Typical Pornographic Filthy & Diseased Mind who, in your own filthy Subconscious desires to see female relatives of yours Raped & Fucked & Themes of Gang Rape & Incest. Unable to ADMIT THIS ABOUT YOURSELF, because like many a PATHOLOGICAL & IMMATURE Mental Midgets in the Communist Gibs Me Dat Free Sheeeeeet Army, You refuse to grow a spine & do some SERIOUS SELF-INTROSPECTION Into Yourself. You Instead Fling Your Filthy Fantasies onto others- Complete Strangers whom you have never even met.

I will go a bit further & point out this as well. You seem to have been MAJORLY TRIGGERED By Me, Mr. Ganga Pot Smoking Snowflake. YET INSTEAD OF JUST DIRECTING YOUR ANGER TOWARDS ME, The Person WhO ANGEReD YOU- You Make Wishes that Not I Get Hurt. But That Female relatives Of Mine Get Hurt. Further providing Clear Insight as to Just What The Content of Your Character or lack thereof as a Human Being is like.

1- you seem to be a Sexual Sadist Against Women- by twice now Expressing your wish that both my daughter & mother get Gang Raped, Fucked, Incest Sex performed on them.

2- I am the author of the original post that TRIGGERED YOUR SPAZZ ATTACK. Instead of directing your wishes of ILL WILL & Sexual Violence against me. You Write Comments Directing Your Wishes of Sexual Violence against Relatives of mine; seems to be ANOTHER Clear Example of your PATHOLOGICAL MIND = Are You A Sociopath?

to any commenters, sorry I am unable to respond, I have very few resource credits & have to wait hours & even a whole day sometimes to post- I do not have enough steem to both upvote, respond to comments & put up new posts.

Here is yet another of America's Tent Cities. This one is located in Minneapolis Minnesota. This Tent City is full of American Citizens living in tents on the street.

Some well informed readers might also know the Minnesota Area to be HOME to MANY MANY MANY IMMIGRANTS from The Middle East & Somalia. Almost 100% of those Middle Eastern & Somalia Immigrants In the Minnesota area - AT THE TOP OF THE LINE & FIRST SERVED- Almost 100 % of them on some form of Public Aid. From Free Housing, to free medical care, to free schooling, to free food Stamps, To Free Cash Assistance- to Free Job Training- To Being GIVEN FIRST PLACE HIRING due to AFFIRMATIVE ACTION- Over & Above American Citizens.

So While Americans who built this country are thrown out on the street- they are replaced by Third World Low IQ Sharia Muslims from The Middle East & Africa- Muslims who have an Average IQ in the 70 to 85 range= Mentally Retarded to Just Plain Stupid. Muslims who marry their own relatives & perform Female Genital Mutilation in their Kids & Muslims who come to America- Then proceed to TERRORIZE the White Americans .

But never Fear If The Libtards get their way- They Can be Joined By The Central/South American Caravan Horde. Pretty soon when all the AMERICANS GET DISPLACED & ARE LIVING IN SHACKS OR IN TENT CITIES-

then the MS13 & South American Gangs can Dual it out against the Muslim & Somali African Gangs. Who do you think will win- in those Giant Gang Turf Wars & Battles soon to take place on the Streets across America?

I for one- would place my bets on the MS13 & Other Central & South American Gangs. You see, because both groups are equally reprehensible & capable of unspeakable violence & horrors- The Central & South Americans Have a Slightly HIGHER IQ than Either the Middle Eastern Arabs & the Africans. Plus The Central & South Americans have NOT been Practicing Cousin & Sister Marriage & Inbreeding with their own Relatives for the past 1500 years - like the Muslims have.

So I'd say the Central/South Americans will win the Turf wars.

Somali Men Terrorize Neighborhoods In Minnesota

Somali Pedophile Sex Gang Busted in Minnesota

Brown Skinned Man Complains There Are too Many Somalians In Minnesota & They Are NOT COMPATIBLE with A peaceful American Way of Life.

Minnesota- The NEW SOMALIA & Paid For With Your Tax Dollar White MAN!

#white genocide


Thought of your post when I read this - https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/grooming-gangs-asian-muslim-across-country-uk-girls-children-women-bradford-rotherham-newcastle-a7987381.html

Maybe it's sort of a badge of honour and credibility to have a stalker flagging your posts (I'm just trying to put a positive spin on one of the worst examples of appalling behavior I've seen in over two years on Steemit)

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