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RE: Trump: 'Take the guns first, go through due process second'

in #trump6 years ago

Even though I voted for him, I don’t agree with Trump one bit.
He is doing what every other politician has done and that is sell out the American people.
Tagging anyone as mentally ill is just another way of confiscating everyone’s gun.
Every person out there can be labeled “mentally ill” by society’s standard and political views of the far left.
Yes there are people out there that are really mentally ill where they think it’s ok to go and kill a bunch of students, then there are people who are older or have a disability which makes them an easy attack for would be robbers and thugs, but because they take medication for pain or any other ailment that helps lower blood pressure or diabetes, anyone who takes any medication, and we all hear the commercials now that a certain medication can help your rheumatoid but can cause suicidal thoughts! Come on people this is main stream BS media, and gun control idiots who keep calling out guns as the problem, peope have been killing for thousands of years, guns only allowed those who cannot defend themselves from a more larger stronger or trained individual to fight, and chance to stop the threat.

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