Trump is a puppet master. The veil is being lifted.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #trump6 years ago (edited)

American politics have become the greatest show on earth in my opinion. Watching the daily debauchary go down is extremely entertaining to me. I think the reason why it’s so fun to watch now is because I have become “awakened” and I was first woke up in 2006. Everyone on earth must choose to become awake, I have tried many times to wake others and some I have had success and some will FOREVER be asleep and just can’t see it. The whole world is so messed up but the veil is being lifted. President Trump has been on my skeptic list from day one (I Proudly voted for him) because I don’t trust any politician at this point. Every single day Trump gives me more reasons to like him....and I HATE POLITICAL POWER ELITE. Trump is different, he is exactly what our country needs and he is what the world needs. Trump is not a satanic human. He is not an evil man, he is not out to control humanity. I believe Trump is a masterful game player and he is in the process ( with MOBS of military and civil support) of bringing down the Federal Reserve, sending American traitors and conspiring deep state politicians to military tribunals and inevitably to Guantanamo Bay. Donald Trump is fighting an evil empire, the absolute worst form of human beings there are. No, not Democrats, evil people. So far....I LOVE THIS PRESIDENT more than any president in history by a long shot. Trump has balls the size of church bells and he fears none of the satanic pedovores that are crawling everywhere in Washington and Hollywood! The world is nothing of what it seems. You think your “woke”? Most people are not even close in the big picture, the world is an extremely complicated and dirty place. Things are happening that we can not even comprehend on the Geo-Political level. It takes an EXTREMELY dedicated person to try and understand how it is all connected, I should know, I have been doing massive amounts of reaserch for hours a day and I have committed 12 years to it. I have never stopped my quest for the real truth. You must want to see the real truth, you must be dedicated, relentless and most of all skeptic to learn the secrets of the world.
Donald Trump is the leader who is going to expose everything in this country and with the same knockout punch bring down the federal reserve. He’s not alone, many world leaders want this done too, the Main Streem media just doesn’t want you to know that part. He is here to literally drain the swamp and his only resistance is either the deep state, people who have done such bad things that can’t get exposed or brainwashed Main Steem media citizens who are not yet awakened. Unfortunately this is still an extremely large group of people. There is a real war being fought right now, unlike our country or the world has ever fought before. The world is about to change, currency will change, governments will change and all because somebody with real guts decided to take on satanic Hillary and an evil Empire of corruption. Trust Trump’s plan because I truly believe he has not only a good plan but the plan of all plans! He has the goods on the worst people to ever walk on American soil and they know it. The veil will be lifted, the Truth exposed, pedofilia and child trafficking busted wide open, traitors behind bars, bankers on their knees, assets of the fed seized. Go long popcorn y’all because this show is gonna be grand. Expect evil to fight back. Expect false flags, events and all the usuall tactics the deep state uses to come heavy from here forward. They will not win because there are too many people in the world who are “awake” and more are choosing to learn everyday. Trump is here to execute all of this and the military is 100% behind him and so are 1/2 the people. This man is different and that’s exactly why they hate him. In the end the whole world will see what he has accomplished not only for America but for humanity for exposing the evil and corruption that has existed here since Prescott Bush bought the presidency and then established his Family and politics through the CIA he founded. You see the..... “New York Mob” never went away.....they just leveled up into Government. If Trump can’t stop this, the globalist elite will level up again and then enslave humanity forever.

The reality of the world is so hard to see, it is covered and very cloaked. Everything has been a rich man’s trick up until this point, the evil deep state has been organized almost 100 years in America. I have invested the time to learn and uncover this and if you haven’t, you are in no position to talk intelligent to me about it. I have seen the main stream and I have seen the alternative media’s. The puzzle can not be solved in 2 days, 2 years or even a decade....heck I sill haven’t solved it and I probably never will. I do however believe I am way closer to right than I am wrong. If you have read this far, first off thank you, second of all please use the *key somewhere in your comment for a nice fat upvote. Most of you here on the blockchain are here because of some of things I have written about here. Some of you are completely confused about what I am even talking about and some are eye to eye with me on it all. Good will win in the end. I accept and love Jesus and his blood has already paid for all my sins and the sins of those who follow him and accept him as the ONLY son of God and the only way to heaven. I respect all other religions around the world but I feel sad for them that they do not know Jesus and that he died to help all of us and forgive sin.

Please know I am VERY CONVICTED of my beliefs as I have taken the time out of my life and invested years into discovery. I am an open minded, fair, rational thinking, educated Christian. I am not a Republican, I don’t hate Democrats, I am not a racist and I love humanity. I want the truth exposed, evil extermination, corruption blown up and humanity restored. I want the bankers out of business, treasonous political people in jail and pedofiles publicly hung. I wish to see blockchain take over, transparency be un manipulative and currency and trade around the world become fair. I want my country secure, my Constitution left alone, my flag respected and my freedom of speech preserved.

If you don’t want these same things for the world and your country.....get off my fucking blog..... and don’t ever come back!!!! I mean it.


Greetings @broncnutz,

Yes, yes, yes,.......we are 'woke'. Truth seekers will always find the truth.

Pray for Team Trump, the return of the rule of law, and for 'Orange Suits' to be paraded in front of cameras for all the world to see.

Do you follow @x22report .....he does his best to keep up with President Trump. ^__^

Splendid writing and with The President's best photograph yet.......well done.

All the best to you.....may all your wishes come true!


@broncnutz I Love you Brother and This is the Post That Needed To Be Written Tonight because the TIME is Almost Here. * I Was Listening to This YouTube Channel while I Read Your Post

Nice move cuz! Sorry bout those beatings I been giving you on Steemmonsters.....maybe you should build a wall. 😂😂😂😂

BTW...I almost feel like Q now with how you and I communicate. 😂😂😂 we talking in secret code bitches!!!!! And nobody but the awake can know it.

Damn man. I wasn't expecting this type of material from you. A very interesting and passionate read. Any vetted links to share? Is this what you focus on in Denver's off-season*?


I like your style.

I am a hardcore Trump supporter and what you have just said has made my day. The fact that the mainstream media are so biased about shows that he is right and they are wrong.

-i read everything.

Thanks for supporting my blog brother.

You are welcome. Thank you too.

Well said, *key!

***** Excellent post my Brotha @broncnutz

Interesting read. I am some clue to what you are talking about in terms of what the world doesnt look like what it actually IS * !

But I'm not sure if Trump is the good guy though. Perhaps he has the balls to go against everything/evil empire , and hence has a chance to make a difference. But the feeling I get is he does things for his own self-interest more than he is trying to help the world. Meaning, whatever he does, he's probably making tons of money off of them. His moral compass is for his own benefit.. period. Perhaps it aligns to unveiling the evil that exists.... Perhaps you can share more of what you know about the deep state. interesting to learn more.

I love the picture.

This is the only president in my time that has taken on the big boys and has not been swayed by their power and money. I love the idea that he tweets daily, and shares his ideas with the average Joe. You know where you stand with this guy and he is not about to back off. I know that many people dislike Trump and feel that his behavior is not very presidential, that is exactly what I like about him. I truly feel that he is trying to do exactly what he said he would do while campaigning. How often have politicians said what they thought would get them elected and the moment they are in office they do a complete 180.
How can a person not want their country secure, the constitution upheld, flag respected, and their freedom of speech protected.
This country has become soft in so many ways. I'm not talking about our wonderful military and the men and women who sacrifice for our well-being, I'm referring to many of the politicians presently in office and many of our fellow citizens who put these people in power.
Great article and good for you for speaking your mind, and for not pulling any punches.

I love have you back what you say with 12 years of research, and hours each day devoted to learning what the hell is going on, learning the truth. It is the greatest reality show the world has ever seen. I'm not saying this facetiously in the least. As you know I'm right there with you.

I woke up shortly after 9-11 I was 21, about 15 years ago. Since then I've been digging deep into the world of the alternative media, x-CIA interviews and much more. I couldn't agree more with you!

You are one of the few that get it on the same level I do. So glad to have someone here on steemit I correspond with that has done their home work like I have.......wait, I mean ....Trump's a racist...let me go find my safe space now. hahaha And take it from me, there are such things as shit hole countries. The guy speaks the truth, and bluntly. I call it fresh air, compared to phony baloney politicians of years and years past.

Have a great day brother!

One more note before I sign off. I've traveled all over central America. Many of the countries there are in the top 10 for murder rate. There is a dangerous gang culture there that most Americans can't imagine. To invite that into our country is pure lunacy. Countries protect their borders for common sense reasons, to protect their people, culture, economy, and sovereignty. It's common sense especially when you're steemit's "World Travel Pro!" Wishing you the very best from Pai Thailand.

Yes, sir, I agree 100%. And you may hate me for this because lots of people do, but I don't think the European race can never heal itself until it sends Christianity back where it belongs, back to the desert in the middle east. The evil world we are living in is a product of all of the Abrahamic regions. The three plagues of humanity. Being Christian has made us easily controlled. And now our people hate themselves so much they are ashamed to exist and gladly hand over our lands and cities to outside forces that only intend to profit off of other people's hard work. I hope lots of people read this post, it's valuable to the blockchain! Nice one!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thanks for the reply. I don’t hate anyone for their opinion, we need all the opinions, they are important. I’m not sure exactly where I would side on your point but I guess I just side with God. If it is to be....the real OG of all OG’s will make it happen from the heavens. #trust

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