TODO list for Mr. Donald Trump

in #trump8 years ago (edited)

Ok Trump. Now that you'll be in office. Here are some of the things I want you to do..

  1. Abolish the "Patriot Act"
  2. End Corporate Monoploies
  3. Improve relations with Russia
  4. Bring jobs back to the USA
  5. Secure the foundation of the Constitution
  6. Bring our money back to our country
  7. End the Globalist Agenda
  8. Drain the swamp
  9. Clean the White House and the Cabinet
  10. End police violence
  11. Promote and defend the Bill of Rights
  12. Restore and maintain Net Neutrality
  13. Heavily restrict criminal foreigner migration into the USA
  14. Close Tax loopholes for the rich. ***(Correction, Was originally: "Raise taxes for the 1%")
  15. End privatization of the Federal Bank
  16. Repeal Obamacare and enact a more efficient Health care program
  17. Keep church and state separated
  18. End privatization of the media
  19. End public water fluoridation
  20. Develop guidelines that would keep ALL politicians honest
  21. End NAFTA
  22. Renegotiate all foreign trade across the world, and ensure that they are kept mutually beneficial
  23. Improve the quality of our education system
  24. Limit minimum wage increases
  25. And, bring our troops home

Can you explain, why you think he should repeal affordable healthcare act and not just amend it?

I'll go along with 23 of those, 14 and 18 might need some explaining. I might rather see an unavoidable consumption tax on most durable goods (not, for instance, food and medicine), and a decentralization of the media (as the internet is creating). Unless you can explain it to me better.

I typed #14 in a way that it could easily be misunderstood, but I corrected it. From my understanding regarding the "mainstream" media is that they are censored and manipulated by the elite to distort our view of the world. Now, I maybe wrong given that I haven't really have done any research on this. The point I was trying to get across is exactly was what you said when you said, "...and decentralization of the media (as the internet is creating)..." I would say that you worded it better than I did.

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