Dr. Steve Sjuggerud’s True Wealth Systems Alert

in #true6 years ago

What you should do with your money during the final stage of the Melt Up?

 By the end of 1994, stock prices had gone up for 12 out of the previous 13 years. Said another way, stocks had lost money in only one calendar year since 1981. As you might guess, after that 13-year boom in stock prices, stock  valuations were getting expensive. Any rational person would think stock  prices couldn’t go much higher. But then, they did go higher… 

Stocks soared 38% in 1995.

 That drove stock valuations to crazy heights… Stocks had only been so expensive two times in history – in 1929, and  in the late 1960s. You can see this by looking at the cyclically  adjusted price-to-earnings (or CAPE) ratio, one of the best ways to  measure value in the markets. 

 Dr. Steve Sjuggerud’s Melt Up Event – Claim Your FREE Spot Here! 

 Those two previous peaks were significant. The Great Depression  followed the 1929 peak. And stocks lost a fortune in the 1970s after the  late 1960s peak… shedding nearly half their value from 1973 to 1974,  adjusted for inflation. So in 1994 and 1995, any rational person would have said again that  valuations were extreme – hitting levels that had preceded the two  greatest stock market busts in the 20th century. 

But after soaring 38% in 1995, stocks jumped 23% in 1996. Astonishingly, that STILL wasn’t the end of it… Stocks soared another 33% in 1997. By the end of that year, stocks had become more expensive than at any time in history. 

 Dr. Steve Sjuggerud’s Melt Up Event – Claim Your FREE Spot Here! 

 That was a sure “sell” signal – right? 

No. Instead, what happened next shocked all rational people… 

Stocks went up – again – in 1998. And once again, it was a BIG gain.  The S&P 500 Index went up 29%. And tech stocks went up even more –  the Nasdaq soared 40%. 

From there, it got even crazier… In the late 1990s, many of my buddies were leaving their “real” jobs  and joining dot-com companies. They got stock options for changing jobs.  On paper, they were worth more than I could imagine. And I started to feel like the fool – for staying on the sidelines, instead of joining them. Stocks just kept going higher… The Nasdaq soared a ridiculous 86% in  1999. 

Take a look at what happened to valuations before the boom was  finally over. They went up further than any rational person would have  thought possible… 

 Dr. Steve Sjuggerud’s Melt Up Event – Claim Your FREE Spot Here! 

 If you were smart enough to know that valuations alone don’t kill  bull markets… and if you were bold enough to simply stay on board as the  stock market “melted up”… then you would have made an absolute fortune. To be honest with you, I was neither smart enough nor bold enough to do those things…

 I personally missed out on most of the upside in the late 1990s. And I missed out on basically all of the upside of the dot-com boom in 1999. 

I didn’t believe in it. It didn’t make rational sense. Stocks were  record-expensive, and people were acting completely irrationally. Now, I am older and wiser. (Certainly older… hopefully wiser!) I have stayed on board today’s bull market longer than any other analyst I know. 

My experience taught me two important lessons…  

  • Valuations are high today – but not absolutely crazy based on history.

  • Valuations alone don’t kill bull markets.

People are not acting completely irrationally – not yet. 

And as we saw in 1999, that is the hallmark of a true market top. In short, stocks have been going up for a long time. But we’re not there yet. Stay on board. The real Melt Up is coming… 

 Dr. Steve Sjuggerud’s Melt Up Event – Claim Your FREE Spot Here! 

I believe this opportunity is SO huge, and SO important, that I’m putting together what could be the biggest night in Stansberry Research history… 

I’m going to reveal a big prediction – possibly the biggest in my  career – in front of a live studio audience. I’ll discuss exactly what  you should do with your money during the final stage of the Melt Up… 

And just for tuning in, I’m even giving away the name of a stock that could soar as much as 1,000% in the coming months

It’s all happening on October 24. 

This event will be unlike anything  you’ve seen from us before. I can’t wait to share it with you… Sign up here

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