Call for Truce: btc.ctb

in #truce8 years ago (edited)

@btc.ctb thank you for replying to my truce post.. I appreciate it.

EDIT: I'm removing my flag tags from @btc.ctb account in hopes he does the same for mine. I apologize for any misunderstanding with you btc.ctb. In the future I'll not bother you. Please accept my truce. Good luck.

Looks like this truce call was successful. Thank you for replying and talking to me about what the issue was @btc.ctb - If we have problem in the future please just message me rather than starting flag tag war.. <3


Klye, i actually found downvotes for you in my stats - 1 hours stats (last hour).
You got 13 downvotes from @btc.ctb in the last hour on multiple posts

Check my account. He made it first. I just downvote 1 his post becouse i dont like it, and in revenge he downvote all my posts.

Yeah, ok stats (1 hour stats) are 21 downvotes from @klye but you also got 22 downvotes from @repholder.
Lets just all get along guys -) - oh pls upvote my stats post @gord0b - appreciate it and peace everyone

Yeap, I downvoted after seeing klye mention this in steemitabuse-classic channel, because I think it's childish. I'm willing to unflag if there's a truce.

Thank you repholder. I appreciate you helping me with this.

Can we call a truce and remove all the flags man?

Only reason I flagged your one post is because in the room #steemabuse-classic we figured you had stolen someone else's content.

I'm asking you to please accept my truce. I don't want conflict.

If you flagged 1 my post it will be ok for me. But you flagged all my comments without reason.

I felt the same way too. :/

Sorry for not communicating with you first and instead just flagging.
That was wrong of me to do, I did not even realize it at the time. sorry.

**You called me? im here, ok im out lol **

Hahahah. FFS condra.

Did somebody call me? um im here lol!!!

  • Truce


Yesterday i flag one your post becouse i just dont like it.
When i wake up i saw you downvote all my post's without any reason.
"If you fail to accept this truce and continue to downvote my posts and replies I will be forced to get larger players on the STEEM network to step in and make your account nothing more than a pile of rubble and bad memories unable to post or vote on anything." <-- i know you can do it becouse you made it on btctalk, when people call u scammer.
"Please pick peace over war @btc.ctb - You aren't going to like the outcome if you choose war." <-- you start it.
" No need for you to have your account destroyed permanently over something we likely could have solved by simply talking.." <-- i really dont care you are scammer and you start to break rules.

Downvoting is for abuse, plagiarism, spams and scams. What you are doing is abuse. Just call a truce and I will unflag aswell (I flagged to show you some of your own poison)

Of course i can call a truce if he say sorry and admit that he abuse me.

Isn't downvoting for when someone breaks a rule or something? If you don't like the thing don't upvote it to promote it to others, or post a comment with the points you disagree with. Downvoting something you don't like seems a bit too aggressive to me.

On post topic: Can you guys just cut it out, withdraw your downvotes and keep living your lives onward?

I can downvote someone if i think that the content is not suited.

You surely can, I didn't say you can't. I only said that in my books that seems a bit too aggressive. I used downvoting just for breaking the rules.

Personally attacking me when I'm simply trying to curate content isn't a good route man.

Yes, I did have a monumental fuckup a few years back with an IPO to a cam site I'm building.
Out of the 25 BTC I have left only 1.85 BTC to refund, The site is under development as well.

I understand that you know of me previously from the forums. As you surely know I had a problem with gambling addiction a few years back. I don't gamble anymore and have been refunding shares to those that want refunds as I can afford it.

You can view me as a scammer all you like, but I think you'll find that if you think for a moment on the facts I've not run away, been repaying the debts and been developing the website.. I'm an idiot that made some terrible decisions.. But certainly not a scammer.

Regardless of whomever threw the first flag... Can we agree to unflag each other and leave each other alone from now on? I understand you do not appreciate my humour, but that isn't grounds to flag articles.

As mentioned earlier I'd given you the initial flag that started this all off because it was thought you had copy and pasted some content from another website.

This is needless bad energies. I'm trying to make good on my mistakes of the past.
At least give me the chance to do that. I apologize for the bad blood. Thanks for replying.

Can you show me post about payback?
And this is how you call your friends ? "klye 12:57
I am publically asking btc.ctb for a truce.. If he doesn't cease and desist you mind stroking a flag on him for a bit until he appologizes and accepts my peace offering? He fucked up every reply I had on every post I've ever done. 😕" First you attack me and now you call "your friends"? I don't start to abuse you and you know that. You start this fight and only you can say sorry. If you say sorry for abusing i will remove all downvote's."
And some more shit from you : "Attention folks, user btc.ctb has taken it upon himself to start flagging everything I do.. I need his reputation brought down so he cannot flag my posts.. The future of KLYE ART is at stake.. Nukeflag the fuck out of every post he has please:"

I called for backup. This fight wasn't intentionally started either btc.ctb
Honestly figured you'd ripped content off some other site.

The KLYEMAXshareholder spreadsheet can be seen here:

I've moved the shares over to XCP:

The website is currently under development, I've had the online beta up and going about 8 months in development. My streaming server is down at the moment but the site can be seen at http://KLYEMAX.COM

I apologize for being a bit aggressive in my retaliation to your flagging. I'd not even thought for a moment that you might be someone I'd had to flag while I was looking for copy/paste posts.

Note: I've removed my flags from your posts. Going to check again and see if I missed any. In the future I will leave you alone. Please show me the same respect. Cheers

Now i know everything. I will never call you scammer again. All downvote removed ! Now we are friends !:)

sorry to barge into your fight, but regarding downvotes I think you erroneously downvoted this hot mommy:
lets not discourage new comers with harsh downvotes before giving'em enough time to verify.

thanks for bringing that to my attention.
Sleep is the enemy of me on steem!

" If you both want your accounts destroyed for being unreasonable so fucking be it." You really think you are god here? People can't say what they want? You start censorship on this site? Please call your powerful friend and continue to abuse normal users.

No.. not a god at all.

However I am a valued contributor to this site and have a fair amount of support here.

You are free to say what you wish, I am no one to say otherwise. I wish you happiness man.

Nice @klye
Shot you an Upvote :)

klye and btc.ctb, I really hope you find a way to settle this conflict.

Just a general thought from my side. Since I joined this community 2 weeks ago I was always hesitant to make use of downvoting, simply because of the risk of getting downvoted in revenge. With the new reputation system I´m even more concerned about what the consequences of downvoting can be. Who will dare to downvote someone with higher reputation or stronger influence within the community? The consequences of downvoting could easily be disastrous for the weaker account. Maybe it is meant like this, that those with high reputation and influence should be protected from being downvoted by lesser community members.
What is actually speaking against making downvoting anonymous? The weight of the downvotes could still remain tied to the power of the user.

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