“To move the world we must first move ourselves.” —Socrates

in #trouble3 years ago

Do you have an area in your life in which you experience hardship or in which you struggle? You might hope that the problem will disappear, but unless you take action against it, it will most likely stay around forever. Maybe you are struggling with bad eating habits, lack of exercise, or maybe you don't spend enough time with your family. There are many things that might cause trouble and frustration, and often we blame our surroundings for all the trouble we experience.

It is always easier to point at others and see their mistakes, instead of turning to ourselves and correcting ourselves instead.

“To move the world we must first move ourselves.” —Socrates

I believe that the most important person in the universe should be Jesus. But, following your faith in God and his son Jesus, you need to understand that you are responsible for your life and the way you live it. If you want to see change take place in your life, you have got to start with yourself. Move yourself, do something to get a solution, and don't give up until you have found one!

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