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RE: Thoughts on SteemiTron - Yes, I tend to take my time :-)

in #tron4 years ago

We lost a burned out CEO and we gained a passionate one with a big wallet. I'd never thought I's sound so golddiger-like, but damn, do I like that we're married with a man with a big wallet, I'm not gonna lie.


It's interesting how polarizing these events have been - same with anything these days, perhaps.

Personally, it may just be the optimist in me speaking, though I see the 'takeover' as something that can only be beneficial. Yeah, there'll be speedbumps and hiccups, but like you've expressed brilliantly in metaphor here, there are undeniable advantages to Sun's taking control.

And take a look at the results...

We've been waiting on communities for two years. Ned's team never delivered. Sun steps in, and bam... in five days, there are communities.

And of course, the team's been working on them for a long time, testing them out, etc, etc. Though it does say alot about the differences in organizational culture whereby the old had consistently been unable to deliver on their promises, yet the new gets it DONE within week one.

Time shall tell. Though IMO, considering how ineffective & inefficient the old team had been, and in consideration of the significant resources and competent capabilities to deliver that have already been proven by Sun - including his factoring in the opinion of the Steemit community in the days following the announcement, regarding a token-swap strategy - I'd say there are valid reasons for optimism...

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