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RE: Trolls. It was definitely trolls.

in #trolls7 years ago

Actually buttcoins .sucks is not my website nor am I an active member on it. (Although I was at one point). I personally have no opinion about Steem It just as yet, I am just starting to explore it and making posts.

The guy that you say we pick on... well, if hundreds of people pick on one guy and find the time to create a website or 2 about him... don't you think it is very telling of how crappy that individual is? If that community that despises him were "trolls" in the real sense... don't you think they would go and stir crap and drama all over the place?

Anyway, my approach is through cartoon and parody videos... sometimes, it takes quite a bit of effort to produce.


i like your cartoons by the upvote any made on other subjects im interested in.

Thank you, well, I am not a "professional" cartoonist... I just draw every now and then when I think of something that the audience may find funny. But by all mean, if you have a suggestion, I may be able to accommodate you for shit and giggles :)

well i think people will join something to join it. certain people like fucking with people...lot of members is not specifically showing that DIY deserves it. The site is funny...people could just as easily be attracted to that. What is your personal story with him? Did he do something specific to you?

People do not join the .sucks just to be a cool kid... If someone was to join and didn't have a personal context... they would get bored very quickly as they wouldn't really understand most of what is said...

I am actually one of the very first person that he called a "Troll" about 5 years ago... What got me the title was simply the fact that I was voicing my disagreement with his priorities and skill set. I decided to leave on my own term at that point.

We had a small group of about 12 people, using a software called PalTalk and we were pretty much meeting every evening (my time) or whatever time of the day for the others (some from Australia) and we had great times talking to each others, etc.. the subject of discussion varied greatly but pretty much surrounded our personal approach to off grid living, gardening, etc...

Of course every now and then, this guy was the subject of our discussions... about how he doesn't seems to do ANYTHING right... I mean absolutely not 1 thing done proper...

Anyway... that group became labelled as the "Trolls" of PalTalk... And TR (the initial of the name of the TheDIYworld's guy) realized that it was very profiting for him to create drama... So at one point, he created a "special" video asking people to KILL THE TROLLS... and then named the people that were part of the PalTalk group one by one.

Seeing my name there, I was less then impressed and decided to send him a Cease and Desist letter and to remove my name... Well, he decided to publish my letter instead of complying to it... stirring even more crap and drama...

That's the short version of the story.

Now mind you, even though I despise this guy with a passion, I have a good friendship with his sister and as far as I know, his mother think I am funny and a nice guy....

I hope this clears the things a little for you and understand that I am not a "Troll" just for the heck of being a troll.

thank you. that is the most reasonable thing i have read as of yet. Your story and how you explained it makes sense.
i truly wish to encourage you to use your skills here on other things too. sure some troy bashing will happen...but truly the steemit wont allow him to get far as he cant hide anything.
and id just like to see a better use be made of the site. cause as i mentioned i care about steemit...maybe my mind will change but i want quality content and real people to engage with about things i like.
because i have no history with the diy,,, it only interested me in the crazy popcorn world around him....but i ate the popcorn and am ready to move on.

@buttcoins Thank you for appreciating my story... In truth, you would get to realize that all those people on .sucks have their own story and given a chance they will gladly share it with you. But like in any community, some people are shorter temper then others or some people have a colorful way to make a narrative of their experience... Once you get to know the person, you understand why they may be very passionate about it... Sometimes, frustrations adds to it as well...

I will try to contribute to the Steem Community to the best of my ability as my interest grow into it... I have to be honest and say that my current knowledge of the community and all its ropes is still alien to me... But with time, things will become more clear :)

steemit is certainly a lot to take in. i like the transparency. check out the app page. lots of steem apps for everything. music, photos, videos, bloging tools. apps to watch others, apps to see who is watching you...the whole site is still in everyone currently can influence how it grows. also means it is still a bit clunky.
what i see is that if im wasting my time scrolling around social media...why not have it be on a social media where that scrolling helps me and the other members.
i see steemit as the long game. slow and steady...most people get bored because they think they are somehow gonna get rich quick.
troy will most likely fizzle...the only real money he made was because of all the comments and attention given.
the point is that quality content gets rewarded...there are cases where this is not the case...but for the most part shit content goes no where.

@buttcoins Thank you for your insights, I will definitely investigate those apps and also very likely their API reference. I am patient as far as the clunkliness is concerned.. As you said, it is Beta. But I got to admit that the "beta" part puzzles me a little... Does that mean that Steem will have a hard launch with a reset of SteemCoins? If not... then I guess it is not really a beta and it is more of a "Early release".

I personally do not see Steem as even a potential type of revenue. I have a good job that pays more then very well... So Steem is more of a hobby :)

Sometimes it takes quite a while for people to realize what is really going on behind the smoke and mirrors... this is why there is so many people trying to "point out" where the deception is located...

If I may ask, how do you get to 41 reputation? (mine is 25 at this point I believe)

well now you are a 27....congrats much of that is us interacting, you posting and people upvoting your stuff. basically your rep raises as you engage. its why troy was being helped by everyone commenting. the actually best tactic if you wanted to screw him...ignore him. build your own reps...and when you are high enough...go in and flag him. if you flag him now it will do little. when your rep is will have effect. engaging with him only helps him.
when i decided to go for steemit...i gave myself the challenge of one post a day. im just under a month of 1 a day. slowly but surely my rep raises. the more i engage with rep raises. the more people like what i write and upvote or comment rep raises.
@oldcodge asked why i even was bothering with him...i was trying to understand what was happening and i figured that being real and honest and all the back and the end would only help my rep.
honestly i get a kick out of trying to figure out what motivates people. i dont really get this DIY thing...but reading through .sucks and responding here was interesting.
i can tell there are smart folks on .sucks...i just couldnt and honestly still struggle understanding what i see as wasted energy. but what do i know.
i also have empathy for troy's human self. I have kids...i changed a lot from that...i dont know...i just feel sometimes we need space. and i lean in that direction.... that troy could be given some space and see if he tries anything after all of his talk of trying to do good by his kid and wife....just watch.
and just from a purely strategic on are best to ignore him and let him flounder. you see absolutely must have noticed that part. you can look up every interaction i have ever had...every money transfer...every paying for votes is all right there.
if you want to understand post yesterday gives you an idea of where i am at as a human.
i dont need your upvote...just if you were curious.

Thank you, yeah I figured out the reputation thing and how it works I think. And I also understand and agree with you at 100% with the interaction bit and there will be a remedy to that very soon :)

I did read your suggested post, well written :) You may not need my upvote, but I gave you one anyway :)

Interesting. I hope I may interject here on my defense.

There is no video and will not be any record of his claims because it never happened.

I never received such a letter from this guy or I would have it proudly stashed in my evidence locker with the rest.

My only guilt, as he says, is to block him.

Thats it.

The "kill the trolls video" was showing people how to hit the block button or something like that on YouTube because my subs were being harassed to no end.

All of that is public record on YouTube.

And you can go back through the comments and see dive crew's oh so innocent comments that got him banned.

I dont mind someone telling me how to do something right. I dont mind someone telling me off if I messed up.

But when it turns to harassment, I block.

Dive Crew got his feelings hurt and is crying like a little girl to this day.

Pull your pants up little man and grow up. (dive crew)

interesting. well...these guys are really after you. I have looked for clarity. i find it all a muddle. There is an immense amount of creativity and work that has gone into trolling you.
i just realized it was so far away from me...but honestly here on steemit...the whole troll world kinda works.
i start thinking the whole thing is an act. i gonna create a world of trolls around me....pull up emotions and controversy. very effective here on steemit. maybe i can get them to make .buttsuck and they can attack me and i can defend myself. could you loan me some trolls?

Please have a read at how innocent dive crew turned me into the FBI for terrorism charges:

Then decide is this is the type of guy you want to be seen with in public. Remember on steemit platform everyone can see everything.

This is just a screen print of what he wrote on my blog.

I was trying to put together a silent LED light board to alert me when people came on to my property because it was getting pretty bad. It was going to show me where the people were entering at and silently let me know using LEDs on a board.

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