
Heh... I once had a very low numbered ICQ account... that was long ago. Dummy Terminals and MUDs were a thing in the environment where I encountered the Troll/Flamer I talked about. The BBS ran over Dummy terminals connected to a VAX. We also frequently played MUDs via the internet pre-WWW days over those same terminals. We also argued with mudheads tying up the only 14,400 baud modem.... :P

One of my friends got a 14.4 modem and it was like a lambo, everyone was so jelous.
When I think of the internet even pre AOL it was pure freedom. I do not think we will ever see anything like that again.
I even miss the hacking wars with people taking over chats, flooding people with packets, pings, ddossing their ip and hoping your firewall holds up to whatever new trick they learned.
Or shit like the jolly rodger and the anacharsts cookbook. I still got a floppy around somewhere with he 3rd revision of it (with text pictures). if people tired to make stuff like that now days they would be in jail.
The trolls will never be the same either, like your ost says trolling//flaming is saying something you don't agree with just because u know it will get a emoitional response. now you say anything to disagree with someone and they call you a troll. real trolling is an art in itself.
I would love to see people now days try to deal with what old school boards and chats were. It was brutal compared to the sugar coated internet we have now days.
Fuck I just remembered the jokes, the most horrible jokes ever. dead baby jokes and stuff. Ahhh the good old days.
The only thing I don't miss is pages upon pages of phone numbers, and other information. I prolly used a tree with ip addresses alone.

Hehhe,.... yeah my first modem was 300 baud... I could type faster than it, and it was definitely slow to read...

Then the 2400 baud, eventually a 9600 baud, then 14.4... then the 28.8 and 56K days came a long. I was older then and WWW was active. I ran a consulting business and a lot of 56K modem owners couldn't get better than 28.8 due to how the phone company did tricks to get more lines out of their copper runs,

Then I became certified satellite internet installer in that region. Fastest we could get at the time... though the latency was huge 1500+ ms ping times. :)

Play unreal tournament... see some guy... pull the trigger... a second or two later your screen updates and you're lying there dead and the guy already ran by.

They finally got DSL in that area right before I moved back to the Denver area.

when 28.8bps and 256 color monitors became the norm the whole game changed. I never had a computer that was good enough to run unreal tourney when it was relevant.
After 56k I stopped paying attention to my online speed, its my computer that cant keep up anymore.
Did go to a couple lan partys playing Half-Life, again my puter couldn't run it but my friends could. capture the flag was my fave but that was about the time I strated dropping out of the gaming scean.