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RE: TROLL: A danger of that label... Mute or Not To Mute that is the question...

in #troll8 years ago

i feed trolls until they are no benefit to me. when i encounter people that i simply disagree with, i try to thrash out the point of disagreement to make sure i understand it, and correct my thinking if i am the one in error. this thrashing of a subject, has led some to think i am a troll. i only troll people who abandon argument and resort to name calling.

interaction with trolls is sometimes useful. it allows me to learn other things like, how to better control my emotions, and how to refine my arguments to be better understood. i think the point that i abandon the feeding is when it becomes repetitive, and it is evident that i will learn no more.


I've been called a troll for doing what you were describing. That is partially why I wrote this article to make it clear that people apply the label TROLL too liberally and it is often applied to people who are not trolls.

If people resort to name calling and belittling I tend to not respond anymore. I have too much other stuff to be doing than to deal with people who think that by calling me a name and putting me down it will suddenly make me believe they are right. If I was bored and had time to burn I might dig in and go with it more, but I pretty much am never bored and very rarely have time to burn.

if i get name calling, i will usually only continue if it is someone in whom i see potential. on a very rare occasion, if i'm in a mood, and i get name calling, i will dig in and show them how it is done. i used to enjoy playing The Dozens in grade school.

I did that on Reddit the other day. Strangely my name after being called one twice in a row silenced them. :)

it is strange how thin skinned some trolls can be.

Guy kept calling me Elizabeth Warren and offering no other thing of substance. Was clear by the structure of things they were trolling. It was kind of ironic to be called Elizabeth Warren. My friends would laugh their ass off at that. So it wasn't a brutal name. :)

I eventually settled for calling him Hellen Keller which if he actually looked it up, she was an amazing person despite the fact she was blind, and deaf.

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