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RE: TROLL: A danger of that label... Mute or Not To Mute that is the question...

in #troll8 years ago (edited)

Trolls and bullies suck, I am totally against either of that behavior, and have made two posts about it while on Steemit hehe. Don't feed the troll is hat I live by. I learned a long time ago. Life is short. Stop wasting it on people who don't deserve your time or attention. Choose wisely. I ask questions and find answers, don't need a troll to stress me out in life so I can go "prove" them wrong lol. I do learn from people who disagree and can handle honest critical evaluation of something wrong. But not trolls.


Sometimes I make fun of trolls by answering their trollpost with a one line question so that they have to answer a minimum 10-liner again and again. As long as they write they can't troll others and I have the laugh.

Hehe... that is an interesting tactic.

LOL thats true. That's a nice service you offer: "trolls come bother me and leave other people alone" I LIKE IT!

Yeah the main thing... make sure they are REALLY a troll and not someone who simply disagrees with you. It is an important distinction. Finding agreement is not always an easy path. Yet that doesn't make the person that disagrees with you a troll.

Proper, valid and honest, tension, friction, interference, controversy and conflict, is part of the road, path and way to learning. I don't stand for irrational judgments, but all valid judgments are to be taken seriously and looked into indeed.

Yeah reason and rationality are important to me too. I find that hypocrisy really pisses me off. :) It is one of my big pet peeves lately.

yes, two faced contradictory illogical >_< me too