The future is going to be insane!

in #triptolemus6 years ago

I am one who loves to live in the present and be present with both my thoughts and actions, but I also love to think about the future.

The future is exciting to me for a lot of reasons. I guess I caught the tech bug when I was younger and I fell in love with computers and eventually with mobile phones and any form of tech I could get my hands on.

The day I learned about the Tesla roadster was crazy for me. I was still a teenager, but I knew that it was going to be huge.

I started researching Tesla and Elon Musk and I learned a lot about them.

I wasn't making any money back then (still too young at that point to work), but I told my parents that they should 100% buy some TESLA stock. I knew deep to my core that it was going to be huge.

Tesla, to my memory, was trading around $17 at that time.... You do the math.

My parents would've become millionaires based on my recommendation after just a few short years and a relatively small investment.

This news came out recently from Musk that I enjoyed reading about:


The future has always excited me and the potential for these companies and investments excites me even further. I have the same feelings now about STEEM (although, I feel them more strongly about STEEM) that I did back then about Tesla and also when I learned of Amazon, Apple and others!

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