It's All a Game of Intent

in #triptolemus6 years ago

There are many key influencers out there who speak in a way that is really motivating and inspiring.

Gary Vaynerchuk is one of those influencers for me.

I can say with sincere confidence that GaryV has changed the course of my life. He's changed my outlook on life, my ability to talk to people, my comfort with myself and ultimately, he's taught me the value of good intent.

In a recent talk he gave, he talked a lot about intent. He talked about how having good intent makes things good.

When your intent is to make the world a better place, you get into this really interesting mindset.

You get into a mindset that isn't all about winning. It makes it all about the game. My intent is that I love the game.

I want to play the game of investing and life tomorrow and the day after that.

I want to be able to do what I love to do and not have to worry if I can cover the bills that roll in this month and the next month and the month after that.

I've been down and I've been up. I've had times where it seemed like the whole world was in front of me for the taking and then only to have that feeling stripped away from me a week later.

All of these ups and downs have taught me a lot about life and investing.

Namely, I want to always play the game with the intent of being able to play again tomorrow. I never want to make a move that wipes me completely off the board.

Going bust in the world of investing and trading is more common than people realize. That's why I continue to try and innovate outside of the box. I'm breaking the rules in order to win the game and because of my good intent, breaking the rules doesn't mean hurting others, it means rising the tide for all the ships.

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