Trick Baby Scene Explains System; Will Smith Talks Responsibility

in #trickbaby7 years ago

Only 74,000 views on this video; Posted way back in 2014. A Marvel Trailer will get that in the first day of a new release.

That is the society We live in ladies and gents; a society where people have NEVER really sat down and SEEN Scenes like these :: From Trick Baby ::: 60 seconds long - a dinner scene with GOP and Liberals; discussing 'The black problem' - age old American dinner conversation -- and the Liberal says 'we can't leave the Smart ones in the Ghetto; he may develop into a Leader; so we elevate him; alienate him to his brothers; he may lose his identity and 'racial' anger ---- his brothers come to realize he's sold them out; and he becomes worthless to them; and safe for us; ------> Cold Scene; from a film in 1974 :: but I feel like not enough of us have seen it; to fully understand the game. Too often 'we' are all but okay with one of our brothers sisters, doing absolutely anything for money; for Personal gain;

Just last night though, I was watching the Seth Myers show; and some young Jewish actor was on there discussing Jewish culture. I cannot find the full interview, but it was Jack Antonoff, and they went into a much longer conversation about Jewish culture - Below is a clip

He was talking about how they 'very much' focus on the Group; and I was actually driving and thinking about how their 'Focus on the Group' - ends up Benefiting the Individuals Of that Group - b/c they Look out for the Group first.

Those of us who Look out for SELF; and who cheer on other black people who look out for SELF - rather than the GROUP; are misinformed on what it takes to 'rise up' out of a situation we were placed in;

Saw an excellent message from Will Smith the other day about 'Fault vs. Responsibility' --- Please understand It resonated with me so deeply that I am calling on it now; b/c hey --- it's not our Fault that we are in this situation; but it's on US to look out for US and ensure that WE all Get OUT ..... Together.

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