Of Rights of Passage - Transitioning Life Stages - TribeSteemUp QOTW

in #tribevibes6 years ago

@trucklife-family bought my attention to the #TribeSteemUp BiWeekly Question - "What is your understanding of Rites Of Passage? Are They Important and why do you think it is something that is mostly ignored in the western world Today ?" and got me thinking about Rites of Passage and transitioning into the different stages of our life.

rites of passage two girls at gate-3782613_640.jpg

The first two consider the transition into adulthood, from a girl to a woman and a boy to a man.

Physically the body of a girl will begin to develop preparing her for the ability to reproduce and bear children.

The body develops a fertility cycle, menstruation cycle. This period could be a time of strength, where you can tune into the bodies cycle and the energies associated with it, honor the fertility cycle.

You can choose to go with the flow of your cycle, helping to correct imbalances from not honoring the feminine.
For further reading on tuning into your cycle and creating ritual - Moonsong's
The Spiritual Practice of Menstruation

Such an empowering view!

Now for many (myself included) this was not the reality. Some how menstruating was considered dirty and the beginning of something embarrassing, bringing discomfort, and even worse to now be considered a sexual object.

I had no celebration upon the arrival of my first menses. I was just given a small booklet that my mom couldn't even give to me, she just handed it to my younger brother to give to me. I was so embarrassed and it was always something hidden in our family, something you don't talk about, and I carried that almost shame with me on until I became a mother, missing on all the beauty of transitioning to a woman.

All indigenous people provide specific rites of passage to signify their transition/change in status to adulthood.
This gave the explosive energies of puberty a way to channel into something constructive. Also it showed that the inborn gifts were ready for recognition and some serious development.

Christiane Northrup, M.D - Celebrating a Girl’s First Period shows the wide range of positive coming-of-age rites from indigenous cultures including those of the:
Nootka people of Canada
Dagara people of West Africa
Navaho people of North America

Also The Red Web, www.theredweb.org , a site providing information on celebrating the menstrual cycle and creating lifelong menstrual health for the current modern times.

One other transition related to this is honoring and understanding menopause which again creates a new you as you transition into the autumn of your life, Maga and again into the winter of your life, the Crone stage. These too can be celebrated, with a new strength that it brings. Meaning more than just retiring from the workplace with a simple retirement party.


As for boys transition to manhood, it tends to be more severe, perhaps because they will never have to endure the pain and struggle of giving birth.

Rites of passage these days seem to have almost disappeared. Many males are lost, uncertain of when they’ll transition into men. There is a lack of a community of males to initiate them into manhood and to give them the recognition of their new status.

My husband, who comes from a hunting family, speaks of how he was taken by his father along with a hunting party, his community of males, and how this helped him transition into adulthood.
He needed to gain the respect of the older men, starting from a position of just retrieving the ducks, and once he showed he was a good shot,and that he respected the game (wildlife), he moved up into the ranks, becoming a hunter. This fulfilled the role of the man as a provider for the family.

The Art of Manliness shows 8 Interesting (And Insane) Male Rites of Passages From Around the World
Vanuatu Land Diving
Mardudjara Aborigines Subincision
Hamar Cow Jumping
The Ancient Spartan Helot Killing
Satere-Mawe Bullet Ant Glove
Maasai Warrior Passage
Mandan Hook Hanging
Sambia of Papa New Guinea

The tamer rites of passage in North America today include things like bar mitzvahs and confirmations, school graduation ceremonies, weddings. On the negative side it is getting to drinking age, or even joining a gang and going to jail.

I had heard of a wonderful recognition and support for a young couple entering into a married life, when they were leaving their family homes and making a life for their own.
On their homestead it was decided how they would like to develop it and the gifts for the new couple would be the things that would help them in that direction. It could be trees or perennials, a barn raising, all showing that they were supported and that there is a desire for this newly recognized couple to thrive!

How beautiful is that. What strong communities could be built if the youth are supported! I'm all for that, for after all it is the youth that are our future.

Thanks for stopping by!
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I love this @porters, it really is so sad that we miss out on this rites of passage. I had a very similar experience with regards to starting my cycle, I got a book and that was it, menstruation was seen as dirty ad something to be suffered in silence. I am so grateful that I discovered the magic of our cycles in my 20's and that now I can share that knowledge with my 3 girls. Thank you my friend for sharing your wisdom with us xxx

How wonderful for your girls that they will have this growing up and I imagene the other rites of passage that you celebrate.

Excellent write up, and a topic that is not common in most of the western cultures other than that of the earth and nature minded heritages.

Life moves so fast that rights of passage into each stage of life is lost, not given a second thought, and thus not honoured as perhaps it should be, instead it is skimmed by, or as you mentioned, made shameful.

Thank you for an interesting read and sharing your thoughts.

Is it that life moves so fast or we just need to slow down and take time to acknowledge these changes and celebrate them or mark them in some meaningful way. I do believe it could make for a smoother transition.
Thanks for taking the time to check it out!

Awesome article. I like how you included a reference from the art of manliness website... I think that's a great resource for guys today to realign with the masculine in many different ways. There's tons of spiritual stuff on there, and self care too, which can be tough for guys as well.
I also was never much in tune with my cycle. Only recently as I've been expanding spiritually has that become very apparent to me. I'm feeling called as well now to get back in touch with my femininity and my cycle.
Thanks for sharing, I find in the western world so many of these rites and transitions are utterly ignored, and it has a tendency to separate us from ourselves.

Xx ToL

Well put!
I feel a loss that I never got to celebrate my becoming a woman early in the transition. It wasn't until I had a child that there was celebration and actually a kind of forgiveness for not being the boy that my father wanted so bad. I did give them their only grandson.
The experiencing of the bond between a mother and a child and the nurturing qualities that come out made me really appreciate being a woman.
Now I am moving on into another stage as I'm becoming a senior member of society, a Crone.
I feel I have aged well and I do celebrate the strength and wisdom that comes with having lived more than half a century!
Connecting to your femininity and cycle can be a powerful thing.
Let that part of you shine!

Seems to me you have taken the best that aging has to offer, with lots of wisdom and continuing to be a blooming flower instead of what many people do, who are slowly closing over time. You keep yourself beautifully open to life and it's Experiences, and that is just awesome.

Can't wait for this next experience for me! I feel good things over the horizon ❤️❤️

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