I am a beehive!

in #tribesteemup6 years ago

To anyone wondering if they can get some honey:


I am a beehive

A wonderfull, intricately synchronised workingsystem.
With sweet smelling, translucent honey combs and the music of hundreds of wings and wiggling bee-hinds. :-)
Taking from the fruitful events in life as much nectar as I can
and gathering useful information like pollen too.
Creating the honey from it, needed to sustain myself and others through times when there is no nectar around.
I am willing to share my abundant sweetness with you,
if you come to me, interested in the workings of my hive,
caring for the wellbeing of my bees, wanting to share in the joy of this amazing wondrous system that is me.
Then I'll happily send my bees out to tickle your hands lightly while you have some honey.

But if you come just to take my sweetness
and don't care if you destroy my carefully built hive while you're at it
or if you'll leave enough for me,
I will send my bees at you with their stingers
to protect my hive and honey.

I know you might think that you're allowed to do all that because you are starving, because you let others take all your honey and destroy your precious comb.
But I have only so much to share and the rest is meant for me,
so that I don't end up starving and destroying somebody elses hive.
If you want some you have to ask nicely and be grateful for what I'm willing to share.

I won't let my bees be sedated by the smoke of your projections and give you free passage in to my hive with your harmful intentions.
My bees will keep my hive safe, because I know who I am and I no longer believe in those projections.

You would then have to go inside yourself to find your inner nectar to create a new stash of honey with,
that you can have and share at any time.
It might take you some time, but if you keep on working you will eventually make honey.
And I hope you will share some with me when I come to you, interested in the miracle that you are.
This is what I give to you by protecting myself.
My bees create the best sweetness ever, but their stingers have a worthy purpose too.

Undrach-Clara @Wombloom

You know where to find me for more.
I appreciate it when you upvote if you liked my offering.

My thanks goes out to:





wow Clara this feels like such a personal reflection, it is very beautiful x

I really love how you have brought such much needed attention to bees and how they are so manipulated and in the end have Their honey stolen from them. xx

Thank you. Yes, well I do eat honey... It's just that it's a little sneaky how they are made drowsy with the smoke... I wish there were another way...

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