Ganesha Sloka

in #tribesteemup6 years ago (edited)

Ganesha Sloka

I like to chant parts of the Veda's. The sacred texts of India. They have cleansing and healing properties because they realign everything through specific wholesome combinations of sound vibrations. They come from Sanathana Dharma, which means The eternal natural law. That which Hinduism is based upon was not a religion but a way to live which would lead to enlightenment and it was meant for all mankind.
Before chanting any part of the veda's usually this Ganesh sloka is chanted. Ganesha, the elephant God, is the remover of obstacles and the bringer of luck.

I like very much his big belly as it is a symbol of abundance of which he gives plenty when we ask.


In the video below you can hear me chant the Ganesh sloka. Underneath are the lyrics and meaning. The holy mother is also invoked, because what can we accomplish without her?

Gananam tva Ganapati gum Havamahe.
Kavim Kavinam Upamasra vastamam.
Jyestharajam Brahmanam
Brahmanaspataana Srnvan nuti bhissi dasadanam.
Prano Devi Saraswati vajebhir vajeni vati.
Dhinama vitraya vatu Ganeshaya Namaha.
Saraswatai Namaha Shri Gurubhyo Namaha. Hari Hi Om

May we worship Ganapati, the Protector of Noble People. The best Poet, the Most Honourable,
The Greatest Ruler and the treasure of all knowledge. O Ganapati, please listen to us and take your seat in our heart. May we worship Goddess of all learning and bestower of all knowledge to Her we prostrate.
We bow to lord Ganesha, Devi Sarasvati and our divine Guru who removes darkness and ignorance.

(Lyrics and translation found at:

I hope you enjoyed that and maybe even chanted with me. If you listen to it a few times I'm sure you can learn it if it appeals to you.

If you have any questions please let me know, I'd be happy to help.

Lots of Love Clara @wombloom

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Interesting! I am chanting "UM" whenever i meditate and it helps me to focus. Thanks for sharing videos.

Thanks Sheryl, my pleasure. Yes, meditating and chanting Om really helps to focus huh? I benefit a lot from it too. Tell me did the video work?

pls fix the video permissions!;-)

Ok it's done. :-) Thank you.

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