Coloidal gold for healing the grail wound.

in #tribesteemup6 years ago (edited)


Colloidal gold is this amazing medicine for body, mind and soul. I will go in to further detail down below about that, but first..

You might ask what is the grail wound?

I will start by explaining what grail woundings are.
Grail woundings are all the woundings that deal with broken trust in the area of the most vulnerable part of ourself: Our sexuality.
The area of our sexuality is very broad. It involves our life force energy, power and our survival.
It has to do with the base of our being. Our root chakra and sacral chakra are effected by these woundings. And of course the rest of our being that connects with that.
So the woundings that we have there touch us very deeply, to the very most core of our being.
I'm talking about wounds of incest, rape, power abuse, manipulation that involves blackmailing someone with the threat of taking away what they need to survive and emotional abuse in which we are ridiculed to the very core of our being by putting shame on our sexuality and basic needs of love, care, food etc.
But it doesn't end there, or actually it doesn't begin there. The original grail wounding is the wounding of the original sin from which all other woundings originate .
Even though I don't believe in the original sin in the way that the church explains it, I do believe the story in the bible is a remnant of something that really happened.
What happened according to me is that a very long time ago when the earth was still pristine, men and woman and children lived together in harmony in the womb fields of the women. Each wife would share their womb field with their husband, child and community. It was seen as the task of the women to guard creation in that way because they were gifted with a womb and amazing pacifying womb energy/shakti that was actually meant for the whole of the community and not just for her.
What happened was that alien life came to earth interested in this amazing power women held in their wombs and seduced them to start using this womb power for personal power gain. They tricked them in to doing that through supposed adoration and telling them how powerful they could be. Eventually when the women had been corrupted through practices they were taught and gotten out of touch with their truest selves, they were led further astray in to abuse of the community. Men and children suffered immensely from the loss of their wives and mothers care for them and the heavenly energy/wombfield that they had been living in, that was lost, was the paradise they lost. An unimaginable heartbreak went through the whole of community and eventually when the women realised what they had done by going along with the aliens scheme, they too were heartbroken and guiltridden. This wasn't what they had meant to do, they hadn't been able to see through the aliens intentions and now everything was broken.
A reaction to this was that men went in to survival mode trying to get at least some of that shakti/womb energy back through manipulation and controlling everything, especially women, so such a disaster would never happen again, and the circle was complete. Patriarchy was born and now here we are after so many centuries of abuse of women, ready for something else because this is also not working. Are we ready for forgiveness?

How does colloidal gold come in to this?
I also believe that gold was stolen from the earth, somewhere around the time of the aliens visit, by the aliens. Hybrids had been doing the mining work for them. People's gene's were through these experiences filled with the information of despair and shortage instead of trust and abundance like their genes were originally coded, so the inner 'gold' had also been 'stolen' from them.
I feel to heal these woundings, taking in gold would go straight to the root cause and start healing us there.
Colloidal gold is a good way to do that. I have a feeling it can resurface the original gene coding of trust and abundance as it is said that it repairs DNA potential.

Colloidal gold is said to promote:

working of the immune system
clearing the blood
balancing of the nerve system
balancing of the endocrine( hormones) system
muscle health
improvement from effects of reumatism
skin condition
repairing of DNA potential
fighting cancer
increases neurotransmitting between the left and right brain half

It also works on the emotional level. I think this might be because among other things it's working through the physical through nerve system, hormonal, balance and neurotransmitters, which largely influence on our emotions.

soul hurts
suicide tendencies

It is said to bring the joy for life back, balances and harmonises and gives energy.

In the bible/tora there is even a passage with a recipe for goldwater that Moses makes for his people when they lose hope crossing the dessert. They had made a golden calf statue to worship, but Moses made gold water out of it.

"And he took the calf the people had made and burned it in the fire; then he ground it to powder, scattered it on the water and made the Israelites drink it."( Exodus 32-20)

Isn't that amazing??!!
Nowadays people say it's better for the body when the gold particles are smaller then what you can grind and the gold water is made with electrodes.

The frequency of colloidal gold is many times higher then that of colloidal silver. Some say colloidal gold is for the soul what colloidal silver is for the body. It is the element of transition between the third and fourth dimension.

Gold is a very pure and beautiful element that is like sunlight that has become matter and to me is a symbol for grace from the Divine. I feel it has great potential to heal us in this time and age, that's why I wrote this article to share that with you.

I hope it was of help.

Lots of Love Clara @wombloom.

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I LOVE colloidal silver, gold, copper and anything really. Ormus! OMG! I make my own colloidal silver, have yet to try my hands on gold, but it's a bit different to make. Great post :)

Wow! I haven't found the right potency and brand for me yet. What are you using and what are your experiences?

I love the colloidal gold by Mesogold. Not sure if they send it everywhere though. If I remember right, I had it shipped to a friend's in the US who then sent it on to me. There are a lot of different stories about which is the right silver/gold and which is the wrong one. For both: the colour needs to be ruby red!
Ormus is something on a completely different level, but haven't experimented with it yet. Colloidal paladium is next on my test list :)

Thank for sharing you experience with it. I'll look in to it. Collidal paladium sounds interesting too, is that platinum? I have never even seen that as a metal.

No, it's not platinum. It's rarer than platinum or gold :) So pretty darn special. Oh, and I spelled it wrong, it needs 2 l's :)

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