What Does TribeSteemUp Mean To Me? BiWeekly Question

in #tribesteemup6 years ago (edited)

The world is changing. Awareness is spreading and I have experienced it, first hand, here on Steemit. People from all over the world, from different backgrounds, different cultures and belief systems, they are coming together and sharing their skills and their wisdom. They are engaging with one another, making connections, breaking down walls. Moving forward together, learning together.

Yes there is the incentive to earn some money, but even more is the sense of community that is on here. I have been lifted up by people from all over the world, lifted up by their kind words and their support and distant healing. That is quiet a thing, to feel that energy coming at you from so many different angles, so many different directions. United in support, united in kindness.

Taking it even one step further, is the different communities on here, that have been created so that those who share common beliefs, common skills, can come together and support one another. TribeSteemUp is one of those Communities, but it is not just the tribe members it is supporting, it was created so that each member could contribute, towards finding ways, in which we can live, more in harmony with the earth.

TribeSteemUp is fuelled by love and respect for the Earth and for all that occupy this sacred land. We are not separate from nature, we are part of the whole, we live through the same cycles and we are all connected. When we recognize this, then we become aware of our responsibility to restore that which has been damaged and polluted, from the people ,to the water , to the air. TribeSteemUp is a community of people who are part of the change that is occurring, who are part of the Human Support System for the Earth!

We are part of the solution.

Being part of TribeSteemUp means I am not alone in my desire to bring about change. Being part of the Tribe everything we do, needs to come from a place of mindfulness and awareness. The earth is not something that we just take from, it is something that we can be of service to. Now is the time to make the changes in our lives that will serve us and the planet better. By listening to our inner voice, allowing our intuition to guide us, to do all we do, from our hearts. These are steps that everyone can do, and these are things that the members of @tribesteemup wish to share with you.

We all have a voice and we all have our wisdom, but when the many come together, that voice becomes louder, the message becomes clearer and with it the ability to reach more and more people. Now more than ever before, as we are a Global Online Community. A web that is spread right around the world.

The world we have been living in, has been built upon segregation, on the idea of divide and conquer, it has been based on fear, on competition and on domination. But when we come together, when we share and co operate with one another we are already changing the world in which we live in and that to me is what @tribesteemup is all about. Overcoming these old school mentalities and looking to the future to create a world that is all about celebrating and honouring life, all life. Bringing awareness to the Steemit Platform, bringing awareness and planting the seeds of change. Waking people up to the reality of what freedom really is, showing the way in which we can live in our natural state, because when we do that then we tap into our power and we become empowered.

To me, TribeSteemUp is a river of change and from this river, distributary channels will form organically, other tribes that will unite those who are aware of the responsibility we have on this Earth. @earthtribe is one of those Tribes, one that shares the same principles as @tribesteemup and has been created to bring together more Earth Warriors, to inspire one another, to create and share new ideas, new visions and to always keep moving forward. We all add to the world we create, but it is up to us to decide what it is we wish to add. It is our choices that create the change.

The 8 Pillars of TribeSteemUp really does sum up very nicely what the Tribe stands for and what it means to me, but also, in one of my favourite books, a book that has travelled with me, inspired me and given me much hope is a poem by John P Rogers, and this poem also reflects the the true meaning of @tribesteemup for me.

Towards a True Balance

Be Mindful!
Husband the earth. Protect
her from greed and violence. Build
humbly, plant trees, grow flowers and clothe her
with dignity. Respect all her creatures. Honour her
natural laws and the universe which cradles her.
Above all, heartily worship the Source of All that Is.
This world needs secret heros! Be brave, speak the truth,
heal the sick, make peace. Be strong, serve patiently, love
generously, live simply. Enjoy fellowship, eat and drink modestly,
celebrate the festivals. Breathe deeply, sing and make music,
walk often, cycle and recycle. Be thrifty, prefer cashflow to
possession, give good measure. Let your work be your prayer.
Put on the whole armour of light! Unearth the beauty in
everything. Inhale the Spirit of Goodness. Kindle Kindness,
especially towards yourself, embracing the sweet
silence of your own soul. Fear nothing. Accept
what you are and - while you have
breath - give thanks.

Thank you @elamental for putting this question forward and for giving me the opportunity to share what @tribesteemup means to me and thank you @kennyskitchen for creating this wonderful tribe and bringing us all together.

A big thank you to @hungryhustle for creating the amazing infographic of the 8 Pillars Of TribeSteemUp




This is really good. Thanks for sharing. The 8 pillars is excellent

thank you @ireenchew I am glad you liked it and yes the 8 pillars are excellent xx

Perfectly, beautifully written. Shines with your nature fairy spirit 🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🌱🌱🌱

thank you lovely xxx

Beautifully put and I love the poem you shared. I just joined Earth Tribe and read your post to find out more. Very enlightening sharing the 8 pillars. Thank-you!

thank you @porters and you are very welcome, really great that you are part of @earthtribe xx

Beautiful post, your word choice is always a pleasure to peruse.

To me, TribeSteemUp is a river of change and from this river, distributary channels will form organically, other tribes that will unite those who are aware of the responsibility we have on this Earth.

This part of the post stuck out tremendously to me, especially after talking with @kennyskitchen yesterday about projects he's supporting. Stewards of the Way grow on their own, but also together. Through this balance new communities will form, new ideas will form, and it will all help each branch continue to grow.

Great post!

thank you @alchemage your feedback has warmed my heart xx

really well said!!! love your words, i've resteemed them. also loving your new truck life emblem at the bottom :) <3

thank you beautiful xxx

@trucklife-family, all while reading your heartful post, I felt guided by a wise devotee, and also ignited by a fiery activist! What an ideal way to be in the world -- knowing grace and grit.

I appreciate you, and the gifts you offer TSU, so much! xo

thank you so much @erikaharris for your beautiful words, and I can say the same for you and all that you do, so great to connect with you on here and I look forward to doing it more often xxx

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