Easy Guided Breathing Session // Boost Energy + MindBody Coherence

While often overlooked due its simplicity, the breath is one of the most important components to human health. The breath is referred to as “prana” in many yogic teachings meaning “life force energy.” Indeed, it is just that. As a fundamental pillar to human health, the cycle of the breath connects us to our environment and is the primary mode in which we draw in energy from the universe to sustain life force within the body. Breathing is an activity that for many of us, happens largely subconsciously. Thus, the breath is a gateway to the subconscious mind.

Breath is the keystone to changing our state of being, and its influence is immediate and direct.

The average person takes roughly 26,000 breaths per day. The quality of our breath has direct influences on all aspects of our health including our consciousness, nervous system, circulation, energy, immune system, cellular respiration, genetic expression and so much more.

How we breathe is how we feel.

Understanding how the quality of the breath affects us is simple. - Shallow breathing affects the body negatively, and deep breathing affects the body positively. As a fundamental pillar of holistic health, the influence of the breath directly affects virtually all bodily processes as well as the functioning of the energy systems of the body. Thus, if we are breathing improperly or incompletely, a cascade of degenerative effects may result.

Shallow breathing activates the sympathetic nervous system and predisposes the body to stress, muscular tension, acidic body chemistry, disease, decreased energy, negative emotions, depression, anxiety, inflammation, incomplete cellular respiration, along with many other degenerative effects. Shallow breathing is often an unconscious bodily process. With awareness however, the breath can be brought into conscious awareness and deepened to a fuller capacity.

Conversely, deep breathing has a direct positive influence on our energy and biology. With a full range of mechanical breath, we can improve cellular respiration, increase life force energy, reduce inflammation, alkalize the body, prevent disease, along with many more positive effects.

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