Taking Control of Our Lives | Anarchy Through Homesteading

in #tribesteemup6 years ago (edited)

Homesteading is one of the most radical acts of anarchy - Here’s Why


Building = Empowerment

This vlog is me sharing my passion and some of the reasoning I choose to homestead.

In an unjust society that prioritizes standardization and homogeneity, I am responding to this by choosing diversity. In an era where more and more of our needs are outsourced, I am choosing to meet our own. Where control is held by the few who lead the masses, I am choosing to chart my own path.


Meeting our electricity needs is energizing ;)

Anarchy to me is all about being autonomous and living an empowered life. The less that I can rely on "the grid" and centralized structures to meet my basic needs, the more freedom and power I have in my life.

Homesteading is the ultimate act of anarchy

Do I trust a centralized system to meet my needs when I see what values it holds? Waging wars over resources, unequal distribution of wealth and the mistreatment of the environment... With a society that is biting the hand that feeds it over and over again, I can't stand by passively and let someone else make all my decisions for me. I can only stand this for so long before I say BASTA (enough). This is why I choose homesteading as a way of life.


Growing and eating our own food is the essence of empowerment.

Too long have our basic needs been outsourced to "AWAY"!

It's abundantly clear to me that the political system and military industrial complex is not about giving power to the peaceful people. It's about giving control and power to a select few who don't act in the best interest of the WHOLE. I wish it was different, but alas wishing doesn't shift things.

Instead the path I choose is that of homesteader.


Natural building on the homestead: DIY empowerment is a practical form of anarchy

I understand the privilege I embody by "owning" land, and also understand this is not the easy route. As much as is practical, I am opting out of the systems I don't agree with.

Taking care of needs locally can reduce the reliance on "the grid", and ultimately more freedom.


Cultivating oyster mushrooms- yum!

What do you think? How can we live empowered lives in the face of our current socioeconomic models? What does anarchy practically look like?

▶️ DTube

I can't imagine a more anarchistic way to live life than gardening, homesteading and living without the need for fiat!

Also, you're making me really want some eggs with green onions right now!

Living without fiat may not be too far off... in the meantime I'll keep living this life and eating eggs. We just ate some with nopales and jalapeños, highly recommended. Nice to hear from you @sagescrub;)!

LOL! Me too, and I'm allergic to eggs!

Anarchy to me is all about being autonomous and living an empowered life. The less that I can rely on "the grid" and centralized structures to meet my basic needs, the more freedom and power I have in my life.

I couldn't agree more! I think I was born an anarchist! I have always bucked against the way things were laid out for us like we had no choice. I prefer to make my own decisions and be reliant on one person, me. I should be free to make mistakes on my own. That is how we learn. I have always resented others making my decisions for me.

Free to make mistakes indeed! I love what you say. The feelings you have are VERY common, not wanting others to choose for us. Sadly many don't listen to the calling. It seems you have, well done!

Great oyster mushroom photo. Colors are so rich. I think what you are doing is great. Any action that supports your beliefs is inherently right. Anarchy can be the absence or nonrecognition of authority. So dropping out, acting in ways and moving to places that the government doesn't have authority is an act of anarchy. Empowering your life can be about provided for yourself outside the current socioeconomic models or about rejecting those models by resisting materialism i.e. not buying what they are selling. I believe living frugally is another way to reject consumerism and materialism. And is accessible to everyone even if they are not able to go the homesteading path.

Thanks for the support. I agree with the frugality aspect, it's 💯 % possible for us all to reduce our excesses. It may be more impact than a few ppl living radically, and is as u say more accessible. Ultimately we can ALL make choices to live a life with more freedom.

Totally going to share the crap outta this ❤ Sooooon! Soon we will have access to decentralised internet. I am making my plan to become a homesteader! I am learning that I am an anarchist at heart too. It's cool understanding what that constant uneasiness about life. I am like @ceicicastor content to make my own decisions!! And, to be well positioned amongst a crowd of likeminded friends all supporting one another in awesome harmony! 🎶🎵 Awesome post @mountainjewel ❤ All the best to you!

Thanks @yogajill! It's great to hear of your resonance. It's crucial we feel connected to others who share values, and steemit certainly helps support that! All the best on your preps towards homesteading. I've learned soooo much in a short time and know I have a lifetime more of learning ahead of me. All the best

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Good point. Less tax $ for the war machine. I'm into it!

I agree totally to the general context and I have argued with a lot of my friends when I left the urban life trying to embrace a rural and closer to self-sufficiency lifestyle, while they thought that the fight should be held in the city streets.
On the other hand the past 5 years, I come to the conclusion that in order to get of the hook of the monetary system you need money!
Paradox but true. And by money I mean land, water, tools, knowledge and a ton of things that, when you don't have them, they are all translated into money and more money. Even if you own the ideal food forest with a beautiful spring of crystal clear water and you can cover all your needs by your environment you cannot avoid the system. Even the tribes of the Amazon need a lawyer nowadays in order to maintain the right to their land, let alone some fellows in a western country.
But I agree with you that
The less that I can rely on "the grid" and centralized structures to meet my basic needs, the more freedom and power I have in my life.
So, because I don't want to wait for the optimum circumstances doing nothing, I am following a middle ground (although I know that middle ground can be another word for compromising).
I moved to a 40 residents village that I was able to find a house with no rent and land with a percentage of the crops to come for rent or no rent at all. It is not ideal, it is not romantic but it is a beginning from which my partner and I are gaining in knowledge and prepares us for the next step.
I wrote all that not in contradiction with what you said but in order to point out that anyone should move towards self-sufficiency with or without financial means, with or without comrades and definitely without guaranties!
Keep up!
Greetings from Crete!

I moved to a 40 residents village that I was able to find a house with no rent and land with a percentage of the crops to come for rent or no rent at all.

That sounds pretty cool! Also sounds like it could be easily abused, but in a small group like that, I bet the accountability system is good.

Ha ha, there is no need for accountability system, here everyone knows what are you doing even before you actually do it :)

I continue working towards this goal myself. It will be some time in the making, but I've got the land and will be taking my dog out there to start acclimating to it later this week. Small steps at a time, but ultimately there is no freedom in depending on a system that has shown itself repeatedly to be anti-life.

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