What would you do for society if you had all resources you needed? @tribesteemup QOTW

The term "resources" to me in this case does not only refer to means of money, but mostly to ones inner resources, that of being our authentic version and shining our Light irrespective of which obstacles and hardships are being thrown at us at any time.

So when we are to look at the term "resources", doing our inner work and becoming our authentic Self is the most basic foundation to our service to society as a whole. Only when we are responsible for ourselves and our inner well-being it is that we can act responsibly for the collective.

No matter how much money we have, if we are not investing our time and energy into our Soul growth and authentic sense of Self, odds are that ego entanglement will have us acting in ways that are not truly moving society toward a more sharing, loving and peaceful togetherness.

Once we are steadfast in the commitment to our inner work and Soul growth, the gratitude for all things we naturally develop will allow for the most mindful use of all physical resources we could possibly get in the most collectively loving way.

So to get that clear once more: doing our inner work toward more inner Peace, Love and sense of collective care is what quintessentially energetically helps the Human species to expand into spheres of Love consciousness. All the physical resources that will gradually be played into our hands by the Universe as we incrementally release abundance blockages within, will allow for divinely timed exponential ripple effects emanating from our inner Love space.

What needs to be added is that my experience has clearly shown me that life is a dream in its deepest sense. Hence, our Souls have been constantly and for good creating exactly that which we want to experience in each and every moment. I like to refer to the Earth experience as "Earth School". As Earth separates itself from the rest of the Universe of Separation, we have "double Separation" which we deliberately chose to raise our Soul vibration on the fast lane. Having said that, I feel there is no need to play the do-gooder rescuing the world, because we are all just experiencing ourselves as we wish. We are already leveraging our creative power to the fullest, and everything is morphing back into Oneness at the perfect pace.

Yet if I really were to leave an imprint in the physical world, then I find the concept of 5D Schools and kindergardens very appealing, where children learn from infancy on that Love, Peace and Sharing is the way to a prospering world, with the accordant practicality most harmoniously being weaved into the institutions' syllabi.

Much Love,


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