Modo zombie trialbycomics vídeogames

Desde su integración en call of duty word at war, el modo zombie ha perdurado en la historia, como una de las características de los call of duty; ¿por que sera? Tal vez es que "no hay nada mas emocionante que disparar en secuencia", esto combinado al hecho que para "matar" a un zombie no basta con quitarle la cabeza de un disparo, ni siquiera con destrozarlos con explosiones, el modo zombie llego para quedarse.
Since its integration in call of duty word at war, zombie mode has lasted in history, as one of the characteristics of call of duty; Why will it be? Perhaps it is that "there is nothing more exciting than shooting in sequence", this combined with the fact that to "kill" a zombie is not enough to take the head off a shot, not even destroy them with explosions, the zombie mode came to stay.
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