Trial by Comics: Exposé! A new interview series w/ professional comic creators!

in #trialbycomics6 years ago (edited)

Exciting news for all of my friendly Steemit artists and comic book fans. I’ve been mulling over the current state of the blockchain world and Steemit specifically. It’s a bad time, no doubt. There was a pain point for the money/rewards, but I passed that SO long ago. Around $1, I wasn’t going to be spending my STEEM. That cleared my mind to focus on everything that makes Steemit so amazing. Now we’re all wrapped up in this FUD, even with Steemit’s future. How do you feel you bring the most value to the community? For me, it’s Trial by Comics. I’m known as a photographer on every corner of the internet, except here. Here I get to indulge, unashamed of my love of comic art.

Trial by Comics has taken on a life of it’s own over the last year and a half. As almost every one here knows, what I really want to be doing is writing, drawing and publishing my own comics. For now, I can’t do that, but hosting the weekly contest gives me a chance to see art from so many walks of life here on Steemit. Every entry is a unique expression of a unique artist. It gives me a chance to live vicariously through the other artists of Steemit. With “living vicariously” in mind, I’ve been developing another idea. Something else I could contribute to the Steemit comic community while satisfying a some of my angst.

This’ll be the first of a long series of interviews with comic book designers, writers, pencils, inkers and publishers called Trial by Comics: Exposé. As is the theme of the Trial by Comics contest, similar to the contested battle of Roman gladiators, “exposé” calls those already tested to put their skills on display before the Coliseum. Trial by Comics: Exposé will be a companion to the comics contest, while further cultivating the comic and artist community here on Steemit. Industry professionals and career artists putting their strengths, weaknesses, passions, preferences and insecurities on display. 

Years ago, I picked up issue #001 of “The Beauty” at my local comic book store, The Source. The story caught me in that special way. Leaving you itching for the next issue, something few and far between, especially with brand new titles. A year or so later, I briefly spoke with Jeremy Haun at C2E2 in Chicago. Such a cool guy, it further entrenched me in to a title I’d already added to my pull list. Thomas Nachlik and I started chatting on Instagram as mutual fans of one anothers’ work and he graciously took the time to do this interview for the maiden episode of Trial by Comics: Exposé. Enjoy.

Thomas Nachlik, Artist for “The Beauty” 

LK: When did comics become a part of your life? At what point did you decide this would be your path in life?
TN: Comics were always a part of my life. I still had a day job while working on my first arc of The Beauty. After finishing four issues on deadlines without sleep or a social life, I realized that you have to be all in to be successful in comics […wasn't a difficult decision, by the way].

LK: Do you yourself, read comics? If so, what titles?
TN: Spoiler, fanboy blasphemy ahead: I rarely read comics. I’m only interested in comic illustration and sequential art. I buy A LOT of comic books, mostly digital issues, because of artists like John Paul Leon, Tom Coker, Jae Lee etc. I don't like superhero movies, no not even Batman […that silly voice drove me mad], because no movie could ever match what Jim Aparo, Jim Lee, Greg Capullo put on paper.

LK: I picked up the first issue of The Beauty in 2015. I’d taken a hiatus from comics […for money reasons] and the cover art for issue one captivated me as soon as I saw it. Whoever’s editorial decision that was, they deserve a pat on the back. How did you, Hurley and Haun get together for this book?
TN: Jeremy Haun asked me to draw a few issues of The Beauty. Back then, him and Jason Hurley hired multiple artists for every arc. I’m not 100% sure where he got my name from, but we both worked on Topcow pilot season books in the same year. That's how he came across my art. After completing my first arc they asked me to take over and I’ll be thankful  forever. I guess you have to be lucky sometimes. I don't remember getting one job in comics without knowing somebody who knew somebody etc.

LK: I just picked up the fourth trade of The Beauty. When you guys embarked on this story, did you all anticipate it being this long of a run?
TN: I’m just a hired gun for the art. Can't tell you anything about the story and where it's going.

LK: How did The Beauty make its way to Image. How has the experience been?
TN: That's something you should ask the creators. All I know is, that The Beauty won pilot season at Topcow and moved to Image central.

LK: Walk us through the process of finishing a page, and an issue.
TN: I start with a layout of each page by creating a location in a professional 3D application called Lightwave. I render a background for each panel and sketch the characters into it on a tablet computer. Sometimes, depends on what's the focus in the panel, I draw the characters then render a background based on that. Doing very detailed layouts helps  me and even more importantly, Jeremy, Jason and Joel, our editor, get a close look on how the end product might look. From layouts I move straight to inks, again on a tablet computer. I pencil/ink some pages traditionally, but only if I have the time.

LK: Have you ever dealt with insecurities as an artist? Imposter syndrome, or that some how you don’t deserve what you currently have?
TN: Oh yes, absolutely. I’m pretty sure I have some form of undiagnosed OCD. First off, I can't stand my own artwork. The only reason why I deliver pages is because of deadlines, otherwise I’d be reworking them over and over again. I don't have sketchbooks. Most sketches end up in a trashcan as soon as I have finished them. Drawing live on cons is  what my nightmares are made of.

LK: One thing I’ve always been amazed by is the pace artists can keep in the comic book industry. I remember hearing that McFarlane wrote, penciled and inked the first 10 issues of Spawn and managed to get them out [almost] every month! How are you with deadlines and self discipline?
TN: Surprisingly, or not depends on the perspective, I have no problems with self discipline. My job is my hobby. I don't play video games [too extensively] and I can watch movies, TV series or listen to music, audio books or podcasts while I’m working.

LK: The whole “Finished, not perfect” mantra. How hard is it for you let pages go that you’re not 100% happy with? Is it something you’re ever able to get over? Asking for a friend.
TN: As explained before, letting go of pages is just brutal if you don't like every single of them ;) Seriously, it got better as soon as I had to deliver on time and complete 20 pages in just a few weeks. Drawing into collectors sketchbooks is way worse!

LK: What’s the rest of the year look like for you and The Beauty? Any other projects in the pipeline?
TN: I’m finishing issue #26 as we speak and moving straight to #27. I’ll be doing the sixth arc for most part of the next year.


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Great interview and insights. I’m so looking forward to more of these! Thanks much for getting this series going!

Thanks, @bryan-imhoff. I'm pretty happy with how it all turned out. I'll be doing these from time to time. I've got an interview sent out to the developer of Figurosity, the posing web app that I use a lot.

very nice interview; good stuff. I too amazed how these artists can put out so many panels in single issue. Thanks for this, and looking forward to future work with these. And yes, way too much FUD out there right now!

Sure, @sagesigma. This is something I've been wanting to get off the ground for a while now. I have a couple more interviews out there so as soon as I get them back, I'll be sharing here on Steemit.

Amazing idea ! Love good expose articles and professional comic creators are of specific personal interest to me !!! Keep 'em coming, Lars <3

Oh! The truth is that your idea is incredible @kommienezuspadt!
Each artist is a world to know and from which you can learn and you have had the initiative to interview people who would be an example to follow for a novice of the comic.
This way we can know what they do, what they want and what leads them to do what we like to see.
He is a great artist!
I'll wait for the next interview

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I was surprised how these artists can publish so many panels in a single issue! super interesting interviews! enjoy the views very much!

An artist of the first line I congratulate him for his success, a good program to meet many artists I hope the second interview, greetings friends.

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