
Really fun post! Maybe you could do a series on Merv in other iconic super hero poses

I think you did a great job, I like it a lot! It has your style to it and the mash up idea is a really good one too. You could be on to something really fun and rewarding there. Keep it up imhoff!

Thank you, much appreciated! As I look at it I just see some anatomy and pose problems, those upshot angles are tough for me!

It's kind of funny, I wasn't looking at much Frank Miller stuff for reference, just mimicking the style a bit from memory... but the Miller work that is most burned into my head is Dark Knight Returns, so I feel like it picked up that look a lot more than a Sin City style.

really clever, love it :)

Wow that's a great one! I love the character of Marv especially in the Silent night snowy story. He's a hero to me, but a super hero?... Yes sure! So Bad ass!

sweet idea for a merger for sure. love how you did the blood trickles

Blood always has a way of "punching up" an illustration! Thanks for the kind words!

you're so welcome! looking forward to seeing more

That's actually pretty good! :) I guess I should participate, too, one of these weeks...

You absolutely should! It's been a lot of fun so far and will just keep growing!

I'm ridiculously busy, but I will find time and inspiration, sooner or later :)

Dude, I am in the middle of drawing something for this competition which I do hope I finish but probably won't, just messing around drawing "The Mask" because ever since he announced the theme of Superhero, I could not get the line of Jim Carrey out of my head saying "I could be.. A SUPERHERO".. so just funny how you had that iconic Alex Ross image of Superman in mind is all and for whatever reason Jim Carrey came to mind for me when hearing that word lol, end of ramblings. Great entry, Miller would be proud to see Marv looking bad ass in your art style and he looks great. Which btw until scrolling down and going "duh" to the Superman piece itself, I just thought Marv was looking all superhero-ey on his own.

Would love to see your Mask entry! It's funny, I totally had last Sunday's week two deadline in mind. I thought I was submitting with moments to spare. I may have taken more time with Marv but I'm glad I pushed for a false deadline at least! Glad you liked it.

Ha, really dig this one. Can tell you are a true comic connoisseur :)

Nicely done!

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