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in #trevonjb7 years ago (edited)

The earth isnt 100% definitely round. More evidence proves that its flat or possibly an infinite plane. Neil Degrasse Tyson says its an Oblate Spheroid which is different then both of those. So what are those so called pictures from space provided by NASA showing it being perfectly round? something is fishy about the whole thing. They've faked moon landings and thats documented. I dont think we've ever been to the moon. Today they say they cant get outside the Van Allen Radiation belt so how could we have went to the moon back in the 60's? People that blindly say the earth is round have no credibility to talk on the subject. There's so much more i could go on about but i've done the research. Look up Admiral Byrd's interview on you tube. No one can say for 100% fact that the earth is round. Great post!


More evidence? An infinite plane, when the moon, the sun, the other planets are photographed and examined through satellites and telescopes and clearly ROUND.

Who cares what Tyson says, there's no way to explain LUNAR eclipses or Horizontal eclipses with a flat earth.
There's not explenation for the different omega-3-6-9 ratios at different longitudes from the equator, there's no way to explain the flight paths of planes on a FLAT earth, there's no way to explain the numerous pictures of the surface of the moon, mars, venus, and other planets and moons, there's not way to explain the seamless globe of Google Earth.

The other important thing is why lie about something like this, why would our ancestors lie, why does everything get explained by a round earth, including lunar and solar eclipses, horizon, and omega 3-6-9 ratios? What about the magnetic poles and their numerous flips that are recorded in the iron particles layed down on the ocean floor, what about the numerous professions that literally revolve around the study of earth and space?

They say that they can't get outside the Van Allen Radiation belt? Prove it.

So what are those so called pictures from space provided by NASA showing it being perfectly round?

Prove they are Perfectly Round.

They've faked moon landings and thats documented.

They? Who, and prove your other baselss claim, even if it was "faked" that doesn't explain the numerous SPHERES FLOATING IN THE AIR, like the sun, the moon, all the planets and their moons (more or less), many who have been photographed completely, and the observations that anyone with a telescope can carry out.

Admiral Byrd talks about UFO's which require outer space to be accessible (so much for the great dome, or infinite plane) talks about a hollow earth more or less, but he never mentioned that the freaking earth is FLAT.

Because people have not experienced a lunar eclipse with the fat shadow of the earth on the moon, how could people have any credibility to talk about a round earth, considering that it has been circumnavigated for centuries, and that nobody , not one person has said "there is an edge, and I saw it.", not one professional has made such a claim, not one scientist has wrote one word about "flat earth", those blindly speaking scientists.

Yes oblate like a flying saucer

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