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in #trevonjb7 years ago

Ayurveda is the world first and most precise medical system. It attacks the diseases at the root source of the problem, not just treats the symptoms as modern medicine does. This system focuses more on disease prevention, as eating the right type of foods for your specific body type so your food can be your medicine and external chemicals are not needed as they ALL have negative side effects. Corrective Ayurveda herbs are also used to bring balance back to a depleted body.

Doctors spend a ridiculous amount of money to get educated in a corrupt system where big pharma makes the rules. Your doctors are not allowed to tell you a natural remedy due to law, and can only prescribe a chemical based drug to heal you, don't you see a problem with that when ALL of your so called "real medicine" has a negative side effect???

I feel bad for doctors as most of them had the intentions of doing good and helping people but after digging a severe financial debt due to their education.
Signal the jackals from Big Pharma come in and bully some doctors into pushing unnecessary drugs on innocent patients.
All of your science based medicine and their studies are funded these big companies in a bias matter where their only benefit is profit.

You mention vaccinations, do you know how toxic Mercury is? Do you know how many other toxic chemicals are in Vaccinations?
Vaccinations actually suppress our body's immune system, this is the same conclusion with all the other chemical drugs. With your immune system is a weak state your body now become reliant on the chemical drugs as its natural defence system has been damaged.

When it is a life or death matter, don't think some magic herbs are gonna save your ass then, no sir, go to the damn Hospital ER. but when your have time and are in a healthy state and you study Ayurveda, its like an owners manual for your human body, specific to you telling you what type of foods are good for you and which ones to stay away from, when is the best time to eat, how to eat, how much to eat...... a lot of it is staying balanced and how to eat and digest properly. Proper digestion is the most underrated aspect of health that we neglect the most, as 99% of all disease starts from bad digestion.


Modern medicine does not treat symptoms as symptoms are subjective to the patient but rather medicine is designed to treat the signs of disease. and as i stated above to gwb235 i do not wish to come across aggrssive or emotional about this, that isnt my intention.
also like i said to gwb235 i believe education on our diet and what we put into our bodies is key but just because something is the "first" does not make it the best.
Big pharma i agree do not care about people and i know the medical system in the U.S is extremely flawed, but here in Australia big pharma have alot less influence over these sorts of things. Of course they still try and peddle their drugs to doctors and patients but i believe we have a very good medical system here and to ignore that for herbal treatments and remedies seems ignorant to me.
I have a friend who was recently diagnosed with a type of lymphoma and required bone marrow transplants blood infusions and a large selection of pharmaceuticals but hes now in full remission and recovering well. Sure an Ayurvedic diet may of helped him before the onset of the disease but i doubt it would of helped him once it was there.

As for vaccinations like you say yes they contain mercury, but if youre going to attack vaccinations in that way please cite peer reviewed studies and reference where your information has been observed scientifically.
Im very open minded but without proof it is simply an opinion and so far the only medical professional to put forth anything against vaccines has been proven time and time again to be completely fabricated. Argue against vaccines all you want but the removal of diseases like polio in modern society due to vaccines speaks for itself, along with the thousands and thousands of case studies that back it up.
As i said i believe that holistic and herbal remedies and prevention have a part in society but they cannot and will not replace actual medicine when it comes to treating disease that has already formed.
Again i wish you luck in your endeavor and sincerely hope you achieve success and can genuinely help people but rather than putting down science based medicines let your results speak for themselves.


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