
And i think you would be wrong.
Let me explain why.......

Look at the context of the landings, the timing - the middle of the cold war. Russia was going to the moon, it was a race. What if the Russia landed at the same site that the US claimed to have landed and found nothing?
How would the US ever live that down? Their reputation as a super power - a technology giant would have been destroyed, and all countries would have looked to Russia for their technology. Because Russian won and the US lied.

Don't you think the Russians would have jumped on any possibility to humiliate the US? Of course they would, they were at war after all.

No. The US could never afford to fake the moon landings. It would be political suicide. It would have been better to not go at all and set a different goal.

Are some of the photos faked? Of course. The PR people need good pictures to use in branding. None of the men were photographers and the cameras were on their chests. They couldn't tell a good shot from a bad one. They didn't go there to take pretty pictures.

So the marketing department took their own, nice pictures. That does not mean the landings were faked. It means NASA is a corporation like any other and it need a good PR engine to survive.

If NASA can't get through the Van Allen radiation belts safely NOW to go to Mars, how did they do it nearly 50 years ago in a tin can wearing jump suits? What kind of on board computer navigation could they have had when computers were the size of a room? (this was some 30 years BEFORE Windows 3.1) How did they have both audio and video transmit over 240,000 miles clearly and with no significant delay? Why aren't we using that technology today instead of having cell towers everywhere? And we still don't have adequate audio coverage in rural areas let alone video.

This is just one example of questions that can be asked if one thinks beyond what was taught in school. Maybe @trevonjb is the one closer to being right.

NASA can't get past Van Allen belt today:

Real time audio/video Apollo 11:

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