Did you know Corsi is that Twitter 1776 account pushing-out tons of Twitter posts on fake Q and that Quantum = original Q is a puppet of Thomas S. and a former employee of Infowars? This is how Infowars is a member of the Satanic We Are the New Media and thus Infowars is part of the fake Q scam also! The take-down of Infowars was just A PLOY!
Yes, even murdered whistle blower William Cooper hated and exposed Jones for these reasons. We are the New Media is connected to Infowars (ex InfoWars employee, has full Infowars media package and created massive network that Infowars is connected to) and to it´s creator called Quantum = Serial Brain (=Jason Coleman? Fake Q phone App Developer). Quantum in turn in connected to Thomas S., one of the creators of CICADA 3301 - which is connected to Hermeticism and the Secret Cults, and are ex CIA - NSA spooks. Thus, they are all connected. Fake Q is a take over of the alternative media, controlled opposition. The Isaac Kappy - pedo gate, anti-pedo movement is all a spy-op. The CIA -Thomas S. - Secret Hermetic Orders are the puppet masters.
Rosenstein, Jeff SESsions, Mueller - SES URANIUM crimes & coup-de-etat against Trump exposed!
Trump is doing good but in the end he is part of the game...Hegelian dialectic.....yet if they want to take him out...we need to keep him in for now.....is our best choice until we get a President really willing to take-down the Federal Reserve. I see Karen Hudes as being able to do that for us, as I have covered here:
The Solution to Free The Planet from the Trump - NWO banking cartel!
templar fortress? uh. dude, STEVEN started the getty theory. like 8 years ago. i told you, he commandeered like 18 thousand people who followed q-anon.
Well, the mind map only shows the key players....even though others like you mention have their role in the back-ground scene, I believe.
Please explain in what way you think they were involved also. Thanks!
He became involved after creating the Q-anon facebook group to control the dialog
Did you know Corsi is that Twitter 1776 account pushing-out tons of Twitter posts on fake Q and that Quantum = original Q is a puppet of Thomas S. and a former employee of Infowars? This is how Infowars is a member of the Satanic We Are the New Media and thus Infowars is part of the fake Q scam also! The take-down of Infowars was just A PLOY!
steven says corsi and jones are scams. who do you see as orchestrating this and what is the outcome/? do you trust trump?
Yes, even murdered whistle blower William Cooper hated and exposed Jones for these reasons. We are the New Media is connected to Infowars (ex InfoWars employee, has full Infowars media package and created massive network that Infowars is connected to) and to it´s creator called Quantum = Serial Brain (=Jason Coleman? Fake Q phone App Developer). Quantum in turn in connected to Thomas S., one of the creators of CICADA 3301 - which is connected to Hermeticism and the Secret Cults, and are ex CIA - NSA spooks. Thus, they are all connected. Fake Q is a take over of the alternative media, controlled opposition. The Isaac Kappy - pedo gate, anti-pedo movement is all a spy-op. The CIA -Thomas S. - Secret Hermetic Orders are the puppet masters.
Rosenstein, Jeff SESsions, Mueller - SES URANIUM crimes & coup-de-etat against Trump exposed!
Trump is doing good but in the end he is part of the game...Hegelian dialectic.....yet if they want to take him out...we need to keep him in for now.....is our best choice until we get a President really willing to take-down the Federal Reserve. I see Karen Hudes as being able to do that for us, as I have covered here:
The Solution to Free The Planet from the Trump - NWO banking cartel!
Q2 (not connected to fake Q from the chans) has explained how Trump is being black-mailed, explained in this thread here::
Albert Pike, Trump & The Luciferian Fake Q "Trust The Plan" exposed!
Please see my recent blog posts and make-sure you read them all. They answer your question in great detail!
It seems one President alone cannot do it. We need a concerted plan to take back this country!
Ok, thanks are you referring to this truth cat or to @stevendkelley ? Who are they and where - how can they be found on the net social media?
Thanks in advance,
Mother Liberty.
yes truth cat is steven d kelley. truth cat is his radio show. well there is http://truthcats.com he just made and there is http://truthcatradio.com and there is the q-anon facebook group which steven and i are admin for. ... https://www.facebook.com/groups/1949187251996571/
Dave robbins looks a lot like Preying Medic?
ha ha. kind of. he is definitely not the same guy though
Steven D. Kelly is a fake Q anon supporter, so I cannot support his work...he needs to wake-up!
bahh. i mean, he is just commandeering all the q-anon fans and getting them to focus on his message: The Getty
Oh, well I watched one of his radio shows and all he says matches exactly what the Q people are saying about what is under the Getty.....
templar fortress? uh. dude, STEVEN started the getty theory. like 8 years ago. i told you, he commandeered like 18 thousand people who followed q-anon.