A message from GOD ? You be the judge

in #trending7 years ago

A gifted friend of mine passed this on to me I hope it will catch your eyes to experience

I believe God has somehow found a way to me.

I wasn't looking for God because I never believed there was a God ever. I became a Buddhist over 10 years ago and Buddhists do not believe in God. Being a non-believer in God I often question the voices that have been sending me to places unknown, yet i am expert in exactly what needs to be accomplished. I hear words given to me about things I would or I don't believe I could ever think of myself, let alone act on it.

One example is a speech I wrote for an ex-terrorist (ex-Muslim) in NYC January of this year. The mere meeting of this ex-terrorist, I believe was so remote and not an accident and our parting ways was not either. I was given directions (I believe it had to be from God) and some very very strong and scary messages to be delivered (to his "Muslim children"). I cried and asked to find someone more capable to deliver such messages. I was already overwhelmed with work, and preparing my son for college. I am a single parent and cried it was too much for me . I always ended up doing as I was told. I knew i was putting my neck on the line. I thought it had to be God contacting me. Why else would i do or say such things that could get me killed!!! MY son thought i was crazy and wanted me to see a therapist.

i don't understand how this could happen, but I got invited to a very important speech to be delivered by a keynote speaker, an x muslim terrorist and doctor of psychology, who flew here from Saudi Arabia to help America. His speech was already written and less than a week before he was deliver his speech, I rewrote his entire speech!

This x-terrorist doctor,Abdel, was astonished how I knew exactly what to write and kept asking me over and over how i could know such things and be so sure. My speech was precise with fire and absolute hair raising truth. I did not know how I could be so sure but I knew without a doubt it was truth and it had to be delivered from Abdel's mouth. Abdel said he was afraid to deliver such a speech and he ran it by the director of the french embassy. He told Abdel to leave out most of its contents saying it would greatly offend many attendees (revered wealthy muslim writer, etc.) who would be present. Abdel was now confused what to do. He didn't want to go against the directors wishes and he didn't want to let me down also. I told Abdel if he came here to help America, then only the truth would be acceptable. Anything else is fluff and just a waste of time. I told him God sent him to help America and God sent me to help him stay the right path to do it. I was the push he needed. I was Abdel's backbone. I made it
clear to Abdel if he wasn't going to deliver the revised speech and fluff the truth, then I didn't need a fancy dinner and I would not be attending. Abdel pleaded with me to have mercy on him. He said he was very afraid. He said the speech could get him killed and he began to feel he was betraying his family. I told him i would be by his side the entire time and I knew God sent me to guide him and give him strength to speak truth, to save America. He must deliver the speech if he believes 100% it is truth. He looked at me with the greatest pain in his eyes and sadly agreed saying it is truth. (Truth is, I did not know how how i knew exactly what needed to be in that speech. I never had training or studied his religion (or any other religion) ever! Yet it was as if I lived his life and I just knew.)

Attendees for the speech to be delivered on the upper east side in Manhattan, was the french reserve, army reserve, and secret service, along with attorneys, etc. I know Abdel had to be sent from God to help us (America). Who would know better than a revered doctor Abdel, a Muslim, raised with religious police to follow ISLAM (Quran) or die to deliver such a speech. He lived a life of terror, and then relived it again and again in the career he choose, as a revered psychologist dealing day in and day out with the muslim children who all hate and rebel against learning and memorizing the (90% evil) Quran.....which was shoved down children's' throats day in and day out to be memorized; completely going against all their innate human good hearted wills. The parents had no choice but to enforce their children even brutally beating them into submission for fear the religious police should question them and deem them unbelievers of ISLAM and risk their children taken away from them (every parent's' nightmare) or behead coldly and heartlessly on the streets for all to see.....made an example for others.

I watched Abdel setting up the projector preparing for his speech. I knew he was was so nervous about delivering such a speech about the people he knew and loved (his parents, ancestors, friends, etc.). Leaving ISLAM meant losing his entire family. Abdel was alone now. It was just him and his son. The pain he was in was clearly devastating for him. He was a broken man and it showed. I had to keep him focused and with the broader picture. The truth....no more hatred, no violence, and his son and future generations of non Haters! Abdel told me as muslims are "preparing" here in America to slaughter non-muslims, we (non muslims) must also prepare....by being aware of the eminent danger that surrounds us waiting to devour our very being. Non believers need to stay safe knowing there is a silent enemy next to us pretending to be our friend, a doctor that cares, etc. it is false. It is only Muslims preparing us for an easy slaughter.

Abdel was ready to deliver his speech. He turned to his audience and I noticed a weird calmness come over him...a transformation. (I somehow managed to sit in the director's seat that directly faced the stage and right in front of Abdel.) The room got very quiet waiting for Abdel to begin his speech. Abdel slowly looked around the entire room and seemed to be gazing straight into everyone's eyes, into their souls, and ended his gaze on mine and he smiled at me and began speaking.

What happened next blew my mind. Abdel not only delivered my version of the speech, but it was as if God was delivering the speech himself! Abdel never looked at his powerpoint slides and walked around the room owning everyone in it. He calmly and confidently walked around the room looking into everyone's eyes as he spoke glibly, and with absolutely no fear. Abdel succeeded in moving every person in that room to a place of complete discomfort, panic, then denial. He had them all gasping with disbelief! I sat their in absolute shock. It was unreal! He did it! Abdel delivered a speech that no one in the entire world would ever be able to do!! I was blown away by it.

When Abdel completed his speech the room was frantic, especially the Muslim writer (sitting directly across from me). I thought Abdel was a dead man for sure. But God was looking after him I guess. Despite everyone flinging this and that at him angrily, Abdel remained completely relaxed and calm. He took each attack with a warm smile as he answered or rebutted one comment after another about Quran, about ISLAM, etc.! There was no way anyone could leave that room not knowing Abdel spoke absolute truth about Quran and how we should look at all Muslims. To be a Muslim, is to follow Quran, and the same as being a terrorist!!! One can never know when a Muslim will be told it is time to kill all non muslims. Quran tells Muslims (6 times a day) killing is good and gets rewarded. IN short Muslim=terrorist. According to Quran, a good Muslim is one who kills non-believers (us). Muslims final goal is to eliminate all non-muslims (like mere cattle) and only a muslim can live and walk the earth.

DInner was finally served (the director told me to continue sitting at his seat in the center of the room). A woman sitting next to me turned and asked me how i knew Abdel (I was hoping no one would ask me that question.) Meeting Abdel was such a weird encounter that I didn't want to answer. I also didn't want make up a lie (which would be more believable) about our initial encounter. It was so unreal and i fumbled for an answer. Seeing I was uncomfortable, the woman said she was a psychic used to solve criminal cases and then then laid a bomb in my lap. She said "you were contacted" weren't you? I asked her if it was God who contacted me and she said probably not but to be careful there are many jokesters (spirits) out there. The psychic said i could close that opening to spiritual world down if i choose but she said I should keep the channel open. The words i have been getting were profound and could help. The words i get the most is "Quran is not my words".

I believed Abdel was chosen by God as the light for Muslims to follow out of the darkness they lived for so many generations. i believed i was sent by God to help him achieve peace throughout the world. I was wrong. After the speech Abdel fell apart. I could no longer help Abdel achieve such a great dream of peace for all mankind. God seemed to have released him to himself. He went back to Saudi Arabia into the life he had to make right and i believe he is struggling with that. Even though Abel said he was coming back in a month, I was told by God he would not ever come back.

I am but a humble messenger revealing a message most sincere


The QURAN is NOT my WORDS!!!
I look onto you my special children to make the difference NOW.
You must stand up to your parents and your grandparents and tell them Quran was used to manipulate them to control them. Look into your hearts and find truth. Look up and find me.
I look onto you my Muslim children, the children I love NOT to hurt your brothers snd sisters of the world.
ALL people of the world, no matter what religion they choose to practice, ARE MY CHILDREN. To hurt or kill another is pure evil.
You must burn the Quran and never look at it again.
I AM YOUR God, your only savior, and your Lord
Take my words seriously and I will show you the right path.
I will show you love and happiness and a better way for your children.
I will show you sunshine and flowers unlike those you have ever seen.
You must be brave and step away from a book that was written by a man who will pay the price in eternity. There is NO VIRGINS for Muhammad. There is NO VIRGINS for anyone who dies taking the life of another.
There is just a tragic sin.
You will have to face your punishment not in your world as you live now but in the world where you will spend eternity. I AM YOUR GOD. LOOK UP And you will know this is my words.
I am with you until the end. You are brave and this is a day of truth.

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