Am I Really One of the Few that Doesn't Care About the Eclipse?

in #trending7 years ago

A solar eclipse is due to happen on Monday and it will be best viewed in North America. The western to the mid part of the USA will be able to see the whole thing. While Canadians and those in the eastern part of the USA will see it partially.


As it has been mentioned, it is extremely dangerous for your eyes if you looked directly while the eclipse was happening. Even if you are only able to see the partial eclipse. That's why you are hearing about special glasses being sold so you can view it safely. It's no surprise that vendors are selling out quickly.

Astrologically the eclipse marks huge and life altering events. It is quite fitting for something that will be happening personally very soon. The eclipse is a big deal. However, at the same time it isn't a big deal.

Why did I just contradict myself? For one, like I said the eclipse represents transformations created by life altering events. However, even though it's important to know this, I'm tired of being bombarded with news that revolves around the eclipse. It's not that much of a huge deal for it to be taking over people's lives like it has.

This is all I am seeing and this is all I am hearing about! Enough is enough. Sure it's a nice break from the devastating news about all of the hate that has been breaking out lately. However there is no need to be completely nuts and wasting a lot of your money on anything to do with the eclipse. There are plenty of other interesting things to talk about that have nothing to do with the eclipse. How about we focus on those?

People are so gung ho about it to the point that they are altering their day plans. Is that really necessary? I'm sorry but that is hardly a reason to change your plans and to mess up your schedule.

So why don't you just quietly purchase your glasses, don't let it dominate your conversations, and get on with your day. Go do what you normally do on Monday. If it's happening, go put your safety glasses on and watch. After there is no need to talk about it anymore, and deal with whatever change you are in for.

So let's now talk about something else, anything that doesn't have a thing to do with the eclipse.

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I saw your post in my facebook group Seemit Community. I have decided to upvote it for its quality. Thanks for sharing!

I'm an astrologer and I don't care much about it. Symbolically, it doesn't bode well for the United States, and that's worrisome -- but no surprise, considering. (If it were in the last degree of Leo, that would be even more troubling. It's close, but not quite.)

Other than that, it's a usual eclipse. We get several every year and they're always visible somewhere in the world. (Perhaps this one shows how self-centered we Americans are -- that it's getting so much hype.)

I don't plan to do anything but enjoy the cooler weather for a few extra hours. That will be welcome. Have a great time, those of you who are making special plans. I mean that sincerely. (As for me, I'll b-r-e-a-t-h-e quietly -- and see what the next few months bring.)

I'm actually glad to hear not everyone has gone nuts over it. (Smile.)

I'm all about it. Once in a lifetime event. Not like a birthday or even a leap year. Got my kids glasses and we got a spot picked out and everything.

I am not that fussed about it at all, I will be at work at the time of the Eclipse and have a meeting, but even if I did I dont think I would have gone out and got glasses etc to see it, , sure it is a rare event but I dont know why its not a big deal for me

I totally get what you are saying. 😊

I'll be attempting to see it at work using a digital welding mask so it should be pretty good!

I could not care any less!!!

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