OPPT - TDA's - to ALL those who know HATJ....here is a SHOCKING Update as she awaits SENTENCING
What I share here is the MOMENT at which everything took a turn. That MOMENT WHICH CHANGES A PERSONS LIFE
Desperate to BREAK THROUGH THE VEIL and obtain Sovereignty as a FREE person, many have gotten themselves into "trouble". Misguided, yet with their hearts in the 'right place' they have been trying to assert themselves against a monolithic system - completely stacked against them.
Yesterday, two such people were convicted and face potential decades long sentences - for accessing funds which they believed in their hearts...belonged to them.
I will leave the "whys" and the "wherefores" for another time. I'm well-versed on this particular subject which involves the TDA/strawman accounts - feel free to ask me any questions about how this all played out or the legal basis upon which I feel these dear souls were 'misguided'.
Meanwhile, and in THIS CASE, Heather Tucci-Jarraf is a mother who will be separated from her children for quite a long period of time - and many consider a "hero" who happened to make this heart-wrenching video of the PRECISE MOMENT that her life took a turn into hell.
After she actually engages with parties involved is when the 'action' really starts - watch the EXPRESSIONS ON HER FACE as her "worst nightmare" unfolds
Its sad. Like I said, I believe her heart is in the 'right place' - that is the most noticeable thing about this call, imho
Her "co-conspirator" has had his share of run-ins with the law, before - standing up for what he believes in....
Yesterday, a local newspaper covered the news of their conviction
The TRUTH Shall Set You FREE