Q Flu Chemtrail bioweapon alert happening now

in #trending7 years ago


An important video from Deborah Tavares (stop the crime.net) exposing NASA silent weapon document which links to aerosol spraying of a bacteria called Q. Deborah explains how this weapon was conceived (operation whitecoat) and tested for use on the population and is being used now!

Additionally my research took me onto the Kev Baker show which also talked about how the flu acts more like pneumonia than flu and there is something up. And just to top it off and you will have to excuse me as i cant remember the video from two weeks ago I think it was Dane Wiggington. In that video it mentioned that the chemtrail clouds were parked over an area for days whilst they sprayed at night, and nano particles were filmed. This coincided with an illness outbreak? The term used was stagnant air where there is no wind or sun and the bacteria hangs in the air for maximum effect.

I know that we have one solid cloud for 7 days now in my area in the UK (no visible sun or sky) and only 3 nights ago i showed the children the nano particulates rushing through the still night in the back garden. There was no wind at all but the particles looked like they were charged and were moving, and the UK is now hit with a strange virus and so is America.

I think something is going on here and we should be worried, and listen to the part somewhere in the 8 minute area where the document mentions who deserves to be a victim by consent.

My cloudbuster before i go is not getting through the cloud because it is so thick and constantly layered, but it is still working. When i checked the rain being generated into a large storm front and pushed from Galway and Limirick in Ireland using the rainfall radar site, the cloudbuster can be seen releasing the rain as it passes where i put my devices in the area. It has been raining non stop for over 12 hours now.

Here is the link to the NASA silent warfare document to see for yourself at stop the crime.net



Great post. I have Orgone Pyramids and Cloud Busters at my home. When Dr. Fred Bell was still alive he also made me an Orgone Receptor. I have noticed such a huge difference.

Thanks for the comment its always great to hear from someone who has used these Cloud Busters and pyramids. I am not sure what the receptor is but i will have a look and find out. Troubled times though so stay safe and thank you. Sean

You’re welcome. The receptor is worn around your kneck so it is always in your person. 🙏🏼

That would be really useful for the kids when they use technology. Thanks again.

You're welcome. Yes it would be. This is mine.


Really beautiful, appreciate the photo too. I am laughing as i know my work with resin and orgonite has been much more like a caveman mostly, functional but not so charming. All the best. Sean

lol! All the best to you too. :)

Portugal had it also since the end of the year. Alot of children affected too

Thanks for reading, there is a big connection to this new silent warfare, we all need to get up to speed. It feels like the war on humanity is starting in ernest. stay safe.

Here in Las Vegas air traffic has been vaping our skies heavily @gameywatchman.
May you have a bless day.

Thanks for the comment and having a read, I'm sure the You Tube channel The Human Frequency talked about the chemtrails and putting the same devices i use when they visited. They talk about it and you might find it interesting as its in Las Vegas. Making these things is one of the very few tangible ways to fight this silent war against us. It actually feels really good to do. Anyway stay safe. Sean from the UK

omg!unbelievable. thanx for sharing man

Thanks for having a read, all the best

Fixing this is a marathon not a race.. Wake people up fast though. Talk to lots of people so you can focus on the ones that are most ready to hear it.. But don't let people continue to ignore this.

Thanks for reading, so true. Thanks for the comment and keep waking them up.

Chemtrail flu. What a thing, eh. And then they are also urging flu vaccines. Dean Wiggington was talking about holding the high over California to prolong the drought and then moving in clouds to create the rain and mudslides.

Do you know i wouldn't put anything past these people these days, we all have to get our heads round their agenda and science. Thanks for the comment and for reading .

thank you for taking the time and effort to tell people about things. Many (most) do not believe there is any thing to be concerned about. Just vapour trails... sure.

I know exactly what you mean, we have to remember that these guys did a really good job of keeping us pacified and ignorant, and to some extent still are. Thankfully there is a rapidly growing awareness of much much more going on. My concern is that when enough wake up the hammer will drop. If i was truly honest i am a little worried that these things are ramping up some. Good to have you onboard though and nice catch.

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