How to write a post that trends on steemit.

in #trending7 years ago (edited)

Everyone here wants to write posts that get 100's of votes and earns some serious $ so here is my guide to do just that.

Now the first thing you need to do is some research into what posts trend the most. Sometimes it's down to a user, they could post a picture of a turd with a bow wrapped around it and would get $60 while I'd just get shit under my fingernails. I'm not saying they do post that but come on, at least one of you try it. The other factor is subject matter, one of the most popular one is to write about steemit, crypto stuff and money so as I know nothing about those things I'm going to wing it.

First I need a graph or other money like image to showtrends and the rises and falls so here is my graph.


I just drew it on some lined paper and it shows a green line and a purple one that rise and fall between more and less. Across the bottom is the numbers 1 to 11 that show I can put those numbers in the right order. The black circle show a place of interest and the fact I didn't have a red pen to hand.

Do you like it?

While this graph doesn't prove anything it does show a trend (See that sounds money like to me.) but as I'm no professional in coloured lines don't take this as investment advice on coloured lines. (Disclaimers seem to be a must on money posts with graphs.)

So there you have my guide to post that trend on steemit. OK so it's crap and doesn't really give you much to work with as I didn't mention the timing of your post, who sees it and pure luck which until you become someone who could post a turd wearing a bow seems to be 3 major factors.

In the future I hope to bring you the second part of this post which is titled 'Here is a picture of a turd with a bow on it.'

Until then thanks for the 1% auto votes and not bothering reading this as it is a waste of your time when you could be reading a really good post.


I read the whole thing and now I feel like doing a currency post. Steem On Dude!

the steemit community would be in a dire place if ever they needed my expert advice.

It can't just be a turd, butt has to also be steeming.

now that would make it a challenge for tying the bow.

Latte art also steems, and doesn't stink so much.

The black circle show a place of interest and the fact I didn't have a red pen to hand.


double lol

Thanks for this, always looking out for tips on improving reach throughout the Steemit community!

I tried to put all the things I've learned here to use but only had about 1 line so i just fluffed it out as I know nothing.

I'll be looking forward to the picture of the turd, seems those kinds of pics and posts make the most $$ - sorry, I don't want to sound salty or negative, it's just what I've witnessed :)

Anyway you got me to read it, and so my vote is going to you, may the turd turns you into a better steemian :) :)

It's the wrapping a bow about it that will be the decider, i need some serious vote pledges first ;)

I think that between 8 and 9 you can definitely see abreakout pattern suggesting that the lines will continue to move in a jagged direction much like they have been. This can also be seen in the box pattern that you cannot see.

That was my thoughts after reading you comment too.

I can't thank you enough! The graph is excellent btw! lol

thank you, it took me ages to do including facing entering my daughters bedroom to find the coloured pens

LOL! Looking forward to the 'turd with bow' picture - will it be an original creation, or photo-shopped? Tee hee. :)

I may go with one from the dog, they're large enough to tie a bow around.

I don't think if my posts will trend or not when I write. I just let it flow. 1% votes are lame indeed !

To be honest i have noticed a drop in the 1% auto votes, not sure if it's just me missing the shoal of auto votes though.

I only get a few but they are still coming in especially from @fyrstikken
I am thankful for every vote but 1% ? I have no idea the reason behind

I've never understood the logic of it either but there must be some somewhere.

Maybe we get an answer here 🙌
Wonderful article though

thank you

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