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RE: Tree Tuesday

in #treetuesday5 years ago

That’s good news it hasn’t happened for a while and I hope it stays that way I can understand how upsetting it must be
And I think there is a time and a place for protesting I do not agree with what they are protesting about but I do respect the right to protest but never at a funeral that is so insulting and should never happen


I agree with the right to protest and even brought my mother to her very first protest in downtown DC before I lived here. I must have been out of my mind. LOL

Yes. Insulting is a good way to put it. Very. Hey! I hope you have a wonderful #WednesdayWalk!

LOL But perhaps it had some craziness but some good memories as well taking your Mother to a protest, i have never bene involved in one myself, well yes I have but on the other side, many years ago when inthe NZ army, I was involved where the army was vcalled in as a backup to provide support to the police if needed for a big protest, BUt I was at the top of a building looking down over the scene from the rooftop so not really near the Protest .

You to have a wonderful Wednesday

Oh, my mother was so intrigued by these women who were very adamantly anti-abortion and just as fervent were the pro-lifers. I did tell her that if we got arrested, my dad would have to come and bail us out.

The atmosphere of hate between the two shocked her into evaluating her own strong feelings on issues. I love my mom but being sheltered is both good and bad, I think.

Anyway... it was a memory that made me smile!

You have an awesome day!

Well if a Memory makes you smile its a good thing, sadly these days Hate Anger and Rage seem to be doing so well, times need ot change

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