Tree Tuesday Urban Planting Season is Upon Us

in #treetuesday6 years ago

Cities function in a funny way in the sense that they cleared all the trees to pave roads and build buildings only to plant them back later.

It's quite impressive how fast they got it done. I got to work around 8:00am and by 6:00pm it was pretty much completed. It was a pretty hot day too. This part of Dalian is either windy or scorching hot so I am happy to see them adding some green to help keep it cooler. Though I will have to walk around this spot now instead of crossing it to get lunch.

And just like many city work crews in western countries you need to have several of workers standing around while one of them shovels. This was all done by hand, I did't even see a wheel barrow to take the trees from the pile to be planted. Maybe they only had one shovel, that must be it.

Once it's all done and a hard day's work finished you get to look at the results. Results that benefit everyone who passes by. In a few years they will get taller and provide more shade. They will improve the view and maybe this will increase the value of the surrounding property.

I still think cities should plant more trees that grow fruit so food will be everywhere.


Having trees in urban places is a great idea. Trees helps in purifying the air as they absorb potentially harmful gasses and gives out more clean and fresher oxygen.

If there will be fruit bearing trees everywhere could be wonderful, yes there will be free fruits for everyone and hungry people will be lessen so that's a good thing. But sadly we live in a greedy world, chances are there will be some people who will grab all the fruits and sell them even they never planted a single tree. Fruit trees are also appealing to children's eyes. I was that same kid who climbed trees before lol. It's fun but also not safe.

That's one effective day. Faster than many planting I see around my part of town.

Haha, i was quite surprised. However, in China labour is really cheap so they have tons more workers than most cities have.

We import cheap labour from different parts of the world but things does not move much faster.

nice tree planing. great work man. thanks for sharing

Oh just like here in Michigan, they need 6 huge trucks for 2 guys with 1 shovel LOL!

Tree planting is really a great work. I think every cities have less trees as cities should plant more trees as be a green and beautiful city.

I was a tree planter in the Canadian wilderness for a few month long time ago, it's hard work.

The more green the better every thing will be!

i agree. Can;t get enough of it.

Agree with you man.. trees are really important for the city... Our society should be cover with green trees.☺

I like how many European cities are doing "green rooftops" so many of the houses and buildings have life grass growing which helps keep things cooler and the air fresher.

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