## TreeTuesday; Fig Tree!!

in #treetuesday6 years ago

TreeTuesday; Fig Tree!!

I planted my fig tree about 5 years ago as a small seedling. It really grew well and now it is quite big and bearing fruit!!
The fig tree has large green leaves, with the veins clearly visible!!
The stem is quite smooth, with a light color. Below you can see some of the fruits, that I have picked from my tree. The fruit is actually, not a true fruit, but a false fruit.
Here you can see the inside of the fruit. The small things inside the fruit is the actual flowers and fruit. These flowers are pollinated by a special wasp, that crawls into the fig through the small opening at the bottom.
Below I have enlarged the photo above to show the small flowers inside the false fruit.

The fig tree is a very interesting and specialized tree, and you can read more about it by clicking FIG TREE

I hope you liked my post as much as I enjoyed writing it!!

The photos, were taken by me, with my iPhone, at my home in Pretoria, South Africa

Team South Africa banner designed by @bearone


This is interesting! Coz I have never seen this FIG plant or Fruit before! Fee like this is comes from Ancient ages! Am I correct? How is that fruit, is it delicious?


The fruit really is delicious, and you are right, they say it is one of the first fruits, planted by ancient man.

Excellent review, my friend, this tree and its fruits are very interesting! Thank you @rynow

Thank you.

Hello rynow friend, I love that publication because the sweet figs, is one of the favorites of the Venezuelan family, I congratulate you for your fig tree gives first class fruits, I hope you have tasted a good fig candy my friend, I take this opportunity to greet them and know how friends are. @rynow

I love the fig candy and also fig jam!!

Too bad that the distance does not allow us to share a good sweet of figs, I would love to have a good time with you, although I would need a translator. 😜😜😜🧓🧓🧓 Thankful greetings for your invaluable support, extensive greetings to your lovely wife, @rynow

Thanks for sharing the clicks and also some great info about it !

You are welcome.

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