Tree Tuesday - Tribute

in #treetuesday7 years ago

Photo of Cold trees and sky

Tribute to trees for tree Tuesday

Here are a few facts in honor of trees:

Trees give us shade, medicine, and housing
Children play in trees, climbing trees was my first time so high from the ground.
Trees are the lungs of the earth producing oxygen for us.

Once while visiting Death Valley someone read me a famous poem titled, "Trees", by Joyce Kilmer. Here are the first couple of lines.

I think that I shall never see
A poem lovely as a tree.

Do you have any memories of under the trees; an outing or just reading under a tree;
maybe picking up branches or sticks to build a warm fire?

I hope you enjoyed this
feel free to comment

follow @rebeccabe


I remember when I was little, my dad used to put a hammock under the big tree at the back of our home during summer. It hangs on one of its branches. It was really nice to spend the weekend lazy afternoon there.
And one more thing I used to recite that poem Trees in our classroom.
Great subject to interact and talk about:) I had fun.
Have a good one! Cheers :)

Hammocks are great thanks for your story, yes trees are wonderful.

When i was young,about 10 or so i climed the tree next to the house got over the roof line and could see in the distance the little town,and the sunrays coming through the clouds. The beams were touching the ground then i thought thats how souls get to heaven,it was very peaceful, that insight was made possible from a tree.

climbing trees that high could have been scary. You were a brave little boy.

I have good memories, we climbed trees when we were little, to play Tarzan!
and in autumn I picked up the falling leaves to draw them.

I am seeing that in my mind for you. Did you tie a robe on the branches?

You seem so lovely on nature because of this saying " I think that I shall never see
A poem lovely as a tree." good saying

thank you. Trees are a wonderful part of nature I agree.

yeah , my respect on your heart

Trees help our air, and cool us off in the hot weather, im fond of trees!

You are right and they're so beautiful

Wonderful and beautiful shot i adore the and i like how you describe it on this deep words wow background color and how trees looks and what trees do great job
Im a photographer too feel free to take a look at my blog

It is nice to meet you thanks for viewing my post and commenting.

Beautiful wonderful shot. My second home is right around a historical and sacred tree (to those of the Taino nation), one of the oldest, if not, the oldest tree in the entire island. It's a special place for me personally.

well thanks for sharing that this sounds so wonderful

I spent a lot of my childhood up in the old mullberry tree in our backyard, reading books. Good tree memories!

for some reason I don't think we had mulberry trees where I grew up

I was in Northern Illinois. The tree in our backyard was male, and never got berries, but just across the fence in the neighbors yard was a female tree that the birds really loved when the berries were ripe.

A wonderful picture, a beautiful shot, your eye improved pick a stunning shot

Wow! Great and amazing photography!! 📷 📷

Truly, awesome post.

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