When Will We Grow Together, Day 91 of the 100 Days of Poetry @d-pend and Tree Tuesday @old-guy-photos

in #treetuesday6 years ago (edited)

When Will We Grow Together

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it started with a seed
discarded and forgotten
in the dark and moist soil

sprouted sapling

deep within the earth
searching for water
absorbing the metallic
and periodical

reaching for the clouds
inhabiting the sky
without feathers

symbiotic with the atmosphere
breathing and transforming
the hothouse to a haven

the foundation of an ecosystems
biodiversity and placid contemplation
you and me, all that has been created
but I wonder when will we grow together

fantasy-2676976_1280 (1).jpg

Image Attribution

When Will We Grow Together is Copyright Pryde Foltz

Link to contest page ...https://steemit.com/steemitschool/@d-pend/announcing-the-steemit-school-poetry-100-day-challenge
Join the steemit school on discord https://discord.gg/q9VEn5n

A Thank you to @d-pend for curating the challenge


Lovely development of the images here - roots, limbs, and leaves all spreading out and growing into their potential. What a wistful way to end too. The slow movement of nature, by comparison, can make these things feel like an eternity...

Thank you, Lazarus:)

Truly a lovely write. The format is wonderful and feels modern. The flow is a cascade of beautiful metaphor that leads to a poignant ponder, indeed.

Masterful. :)

Thank you, Mamadini:)

You certainly have a way with words Pryde. Limbs without feathers reaching for the sky. Interesting imagery. The photo is pretty cool too.

Thank you, Molometer. I have been holding onto the photo find for a week:)

Beautiful poem and incredible images. Congratulations friend.

Thank you, Cordero:)

Really enjoyed the poem. And on Tree Tuesday. Your lines:
reaching for the clouds
inhabiting the sky
without feathers

were really enjoyable, and gave me a smile. And the sentiment, we can only hope it keeps heading in that direction. So important. Thanks, and have a nice day.

Thanks so much, DD:)

Your poem is charming. I see an allegory of human development that is always so disparate. Although it has been tested from a common trunk, so equal and so different, but complementary. A hug, Pryde!

A hug right back:) Thank you, Zeleira:)

Oh, here is a write I can really appreciate today! I do like the notion of growing together, trees or people.

Nice post, Pryde!

Thank you, Denise:) Yes some symbiosis is a beautiful thing:)

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