
Hey, the first photo looks like the weather here... we are having another day of snow and cold. I am ready for the weather you show so beautifully with the green lawn.

I think they / whoever they are don't know and are filling people with more fear and guilt. If we destroy the planet. (btw: I recycle) If we destroy the planet it will go on without us. Maybe it is a ploy to get us to settle on Mars before we get nuked. Oh yes, that is another thing they want us to worry about.

That is one strong dude holding up that beautiful tree trunk. :)

We all have to do our bit and recycling is a good start Rebecca.
Denying there is a problem like Trump is doing won't make it go away.
These snow photos were taken over three days and the weather just changed dramatically in that time.
The green lawn had little crocuses just popping through and then the snow returned?
The weather seems to be becoming more erratic.

Where ever I live they always say if you don't like the weather give it some time it will change.
I think they could mess with the weather and then I am called a conspiracy theorist so I let everyone speculate on something they can't control.

Have you ever heard of Scalar...everyone knows Tesla nowadays ...
What if they have already messed with the weather? hmmm

Harp is a good one to look at

The powers that be prefer us to feel guilty.

Accusing people of being conspiracy theorists has been used by powerful forces to silence sensible debate.

Remember the cloud seeding experiments using silver oxide? They made it rain back in the 1960's.
But that's small potatoes compared to what is happening now.

We have already screwed up the climate. It's not we may?...we have.

Climate change is real and has been identified by scientific observations not speculation or belief!
People need to wake up and do their own research. It's all out there to find.

We can control governments. If we choose

good luck I say that with sincerity.
My fighting days are done...
I hand you the torch, most won't listen and then those that do let them do what they can.
As far as climate change what would you want the government to do?

Maybe you could create an account for this if you feel your calling to do so.

We still have the vote...just about? People can surprise complacent governments.

Iceland is completely run on renewable energy. It can be done. Just need the right people in governments. The young people are our only hope.
As you mention. The old have mostly given up the fight.
I'm a tree hugger lol what can I say?

The ice melting at the poles is enough to make a believer out of me. That and all the increasingly violent record breaking weather around the world.
But that superhero lifting that tree can fix it!

I'm ya man lol.

Yeah it's odd that we have had the hottest weather on record just about every year in the last 10 years. Every year the extremes are becoming more constant? If that's not an oxymoron?
We can make a difference.

I only hope you are right.

in my opinion, the question in your post @molometer, it is what happens now, the climate change is not normal anymore, why? karna it must be in March it was official spring, but why still snow like in the northern hemisphere ?, perhaps that's a sign that already abnormal climate change is happening right now on our earth.

It sure does look that way @anwars and we must make as much noise as possible to get governments to take action now. Otherwise we are all doomed. Rich and poor alike will suffer the same.

yes, we have to tell him, your opinion is very true friend. @molometer.

Very important topic to discuss. Climate change is for sure real. If i see just my life span, i experienced extreme winters starting from November back in mid 90's. But now almost after two decades. Winters stay for just a month or so and that too start in January and last for February only. Similarly, the intensity of summers has increased. I don't know may be i am wrong but this is what i have found out. Trees and plants are so important and ignored in so many countries. Countless trees are cut down every year not considering the fact that plantation is far lesser than this.

I agree, in my own lifetime I have seen the same pattern as you have described. Winter has shifted from Nov/Dec to now Feb/Mar.
I'm pretty sure other people have seen this climate change on a personal level, even without the massive scientific evidence.
It has already happened and will continue. Maybe we are to late?

The leafless one of the two tallest trees in the village is a perfect specimen! I bet it is quite glorious will all of its leaves.

As far as climate change goes, living where I do in California doesn't have huge temperature changes but we have been experiencing a drought for quite a while. Last year there was a break when we had an extremely wet and windy winter...lots of I have never seen. I have recently moved to Southern California and the fire season went well into December and when the rains came, mudslides wiped out Montecito (part of Santa Barbara). I do think the weather has become much more dramatic than any other time that I can remember. I'm getting old so perhaps my memory has faded. ;)

Nope! I think your memory is spot on. Things have definitely changed. The weather is becoming even more random.

I must confess, I do sense a slight shift. I wonder if it started a few years ago after we had that heatwave in late November! But it's kind of stayed a bit like that; at least from my perspective as I remember the seasons from years before anyway... Winter lasts longer into spring and summer longer into autumn etc.

I think it has shifted as you describe. Winter seemed to come much earlier than now. We seem to have more sunshine in the UK now too.
I'll take a look at the records.

It would be interesting to see :-)

I would say things are shifting back to the way it was when I was a kid but things are more changeable too. A beautiful church:)

That's interesting to hear @prydefoltz you think that maybe the climate is changing and going back to an earlier pattern? The church is lovely inside. I have a video of it here at 10.37 into the video

Also thanks for the tip.

My pleasure. I tip when I'm recharging my voting power. :)

Excellent photographs!
In my opinion global warming is doing chaos around the world!

Looks like we have all noticed the change in the seasons from all around the world. We need better people in governments globally.

Gorgeous trees, @molometer! I love how the second photograph has three different trees - and especially like the middle one! Definitely seasons or the weather is changing - we don't have seasons here, being at the Equator but even hot and rainy have definites year round but the timing of these seem to have 'moved'. Blame it on Man's abuse of Nature?

I think you are right. We have made a big mess of our home planet. Our only home. It's a shame.

I believe the climate has changed, and our weather has become very different too..I have no doubt about it, as I watched too many documentaries :-)

The evidence is right before our eyes. The science is there. We can all see it all around us. It's time to act more sensible with our planet.

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