
Lichen your photos and info and taking it to my page!

Boom boom! Lichen what ya did there Melinda haha

I like the theme sir :-) "Lichens!" Not many would consider that, just goes to show you are commited to your art form; always creating from scratch. Deer are flighty little devils, are they not? One glimpse and they are gone. But wildlife or not, these are some very engaging shots :-)

I really apreciate those little random facts about things. I have heard of Lichens but never really investigated them in detail, but from what you have shared here it looks like I had missed out on some quite interesting knowledge there. As a writer I'm always drawing upon random facts here and there to expand my creativity and this has actually helped in it's own little way.

Thanks Westley, I can't help it but to try to pass on knowledge whenever I can. In whatever way I can. I'm a teacher. It's what I do. :)

You do it well sir :-)

I love those factoids. You were saying about a macro lens. I was on the fence if I should get one, but I am happy I did. I use it way more than I would have imagined. The funny thing is you can take the most boring item but get close enough to it, it becomes so much more interesting!

I love those macro lens shots. So much detail is suddenly there to see.
I'll have to get myself one.

Thought I would pop on over here and check out your page. Love Hercules! The Moon shot is awesome, nothing beats a full moon. I love traveling to foreign places through some one elses eyes. The lush greens are very inviting. I will be following along to see what else you are up to.

Thanks @warpedweaver for your warm comments and welcome to my blog. I do travel quite a lot and have a camera everywhere I go.

I will never see these places personally. I truly enjoy seeing them and hearing the history. Looking forward to seeing more. Hope your day is awesome.

Lichens are quite pretty up close! I first found out about it a couple of years ago when I thought I had some sick trees in the yard but was just lichens and now I likens!! Terrific post and that last photo made me laugh..thanks!! 😊

It was hard work trying to get that tree into the fireplace lol

I see blue on those fields too. Great photographs @molometer! :D

Yeah it was kind of odd so I got closer to it. It was just the angle of the sun. It made the snow glow blue?
I've never seen that before? @debralee

I now way more about lichen. Great shots and very informative post, molometer:)

We aim to entertain and educate lol glad you now know all about lichens. I'm just reading your post. Snap!

Fens takes you back in a quieter time.

It sure does Mike. This kind of field layout is ancient and hasn't changed much at all. It's very peaceful on the fens.

Great post! That landscape is beautiful!

Thank you maruharraca, the more I photograph it, the more I like it.
It kind of grows on you. (Like Lichen lol)
The vast open plains go on forever.

Thats so interesting about the north facing, south facing growth 😊

I did know something about it growing on a particular side, but had to look it up to be sure before posting it on the blockchain; and then found out that it in fact grows all over the tree depending on location and sunlight angles. I love research lol

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