
Shhhh! Don't tell anyone! Let it be our little secret! Of course, who could help themselves? It's such a fabulous time of year, that I just want to shout it from the rooftops. Well, I'm only kidding but you get my point. Of course, I hope I am not offending anybody by all this Christmas banter. I do make a disclaimer about it a little bit lower in the post and I hope that people take it in the spirit in which it is delivered.

God bless you, beautiful soul. ❤


I think it would be a sad world when people take offense from someone's joy. You obviously so love Christmas and all that comes with it that it is a joy to watch. Doesn't matter if the person does Christmas or not LOL

You are such a shining light!!

I know, we put you on top of a tree as an angle 😂 ❤️

Big love to you!!

I do love Christmas, but, I can honestly say that it is the spirit of Christmas that really drives it. I try hard not to offend, but, sometimes, there will be a person that has a hard time with it, so I try to step carefully.

Thank you for your wonderful words. You are always so kind-hearted and make everyone feel good! Hehe! I would love to be the angel on top!!!

What an honor that would be!!! XOXO

Big love back!

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