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RE: Tree Tuesday - The Fallen Tree !!

in #treetuesday6 years ago

Wow, right??

I cannot believe that empty space where the bugs decided to chow down on the poor tree. How lucky for you that you or anybody else that it didn't come down on you.

I actually know someone who got hit and killed by a falling tree. Seriously. You live dangerously, my friend. You really got some awesome shots and angles of the fallen beauty. I was amazed by how it came up, roots and all! Very shallow roots or did it cut the roots off when it fell?

Yikes! What a sight!



Very lucky no one was sitting on that beach or walking pass this area is normally always busy it's funny how the God's work sometimes it could of been very dangerous move.

The roots look to tiny for that tree that must have dried up weaken with the unhealthiness of the tree been eaten away through the trunk.

Oh and thanks for the Tip my friend :)

It's always a pleasure!

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